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'Best Units' mod request


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My request is... potentially simple, but does require one new unit. I'd fiddle with the game's various versions to get what I want, but the new unit screws that up. What it is:


Maximum skill: 20 instead of 10, but only Kings, Lords, Heroes, and the player can go over 10. That way a player can keep their units from dying, but can still be defeated, due to 20 surgery, and 20 athletics would let you keep up with or outrun footman troops even when heavily armored.


The heroes from Warband all added to Fire & Sword

The 'peasant woman' is able to upgrade all the way to Sword Sister, even in Fire & Sword.

The khergit riders are able to go all the way up to Khergit Steppe Lord, even in Warband and Fire & Sword (of course they're different factions but they should just be renamed) Steppe Lord doesn't go over 10 skill.


New unit:

Okay, so the Sword Sister is obviously based on Joan of Arcadia. Let's add a pistol-based female hero, as well. From where? Tanya from Command and Conquer, of course. Fully evolved, she's called the Femme Fetale.


Slot 1: 10 grenades with a small range of effect (10 feet) but does 85b damage.

Slot 2: Tanya's Pistol, which reloads really fast and does +10 damage.

Slot 3: 30 ammo that does 40p damage.

Slot 4: Dagger

Armor: Equivalent of chainmail, fur boots 20 defense. No helm.


From 'Peasant Woman', the normal growth goes from there in terms of melee, but for pistol, the stats are the same, just weapons and names are different.


Names of female gunman units:

Camp Lookout (has a pistol that does 10 damage plus ammo)

Riflewoman (has a rifle that does 13p damage plus ammo)

Pistol Fury (has a pistol and two ammo slots)

Femme Fetale (equipment above)

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