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CTD during touching the sky , near wayshrine of learning


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My game keeps CTD to the desktop on the way to the third wayshrine, the wayshrine of learning, it crashes near a rare book and chest for Urag gro-Shub from winterhold


I had to use console codes to complete the quest because it kept CTD near that chest near the wayshrine of learning


codes I used to complete the quest are , used in a text doc and bat activated in console command


player.setstage DLC1VQ07 200


player.additem 02000800 1 <--aurial's bow

player.additem 020098a1 50 <----sunburst elven arrows


What is the dragon word learnt on the frozen lake near wayshrine of learning? it's the second word in drain vitality but I could be wrong




I'm re-installing my game clean, and leaving out any mods that have been hidden from download view here, like both of EzEs -Artifact Disenchanting and EzEs -Artifact Disenchanting - Dawnguard mods


also leaving out mods that have little or no endorsements here and leaving out steamwork mods

Edited by hard8
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  • 5 years later...

I know it's an old topic but if someone has the same bug or one another repeated CTD in exterior, there is a fix. It seems that this problem is linked to the size of the exterior cell buffer.

In skyrim.ini/under "general", edit or change the Cell Buffer to 64 : uExterior Cell Buffer=64

It should fix the CTD.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 years later...

I know it's an old topic but if someone has the same bug or one another repeated CTD in exterior, there is a fix. It seems that this problem is linked to the size of the exterior cell buffer.

In skyrim.ini/under "general", edit or change the Cell Buffer to 64 : uExterior Cell Buffer=64

It should fix the CTD. Nice one thanks. Worked like a dream


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