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Friendly Undead


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I am not sure if this is part of a mod I have or a glitch but ever since I became a vampire undead won't attack me, all of them are friendly and so are skeevers, feral vampires and spiders. Anybody know if this is part of a mod? I have Brehanin's Better vampires mod, Allow vampire lord action and Vampire lord real flying. Those mods are the only ones I could think of that might cause this. I even tried uninstalling better vampires and undead still wont attack me!
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  • 4 weeks later...

I have the exact same problem. I just started "A Daedra's Best Friend", I'm in the cave, go up to the first female vampire, and she says "that spell looks dangerous" (playing pure mage here). I am supposed to be a vampire myself, yet I found that some mods don't work on vampires. I think I have found the problem and I explain it here:



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I just replaced my data folder with a backup vanilla data folder, launched the game, spawned in a draugr, and he STILL WOULDN'T ATTACK (I then proceeded to cast incinerate on him to launch him off a tall cliff in frustration, but that's not important) So this means that as far as any unofficial mods go in my case (excludes Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and Dragonborn), they seem to be fine. This means that the problem could be a bug somewhere (Skyrim, Dawnguard DLC, Hearthfire DLC, Dragonborn DLC) or a possible missing file or SOMETHING. I am right now running a verify cache to see if that will work. So far the buggy enemies are:



-(unfriendly) Vampires

-Frostbite Spides



Will update if any change.

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