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[Tutorial] How to make Total Realism - Basic needs compatible with the


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I wanted to make a Hearthfire and Dragonborn unofficial compatibility patches for this mod however I was only able to modify the main mod file for it to work. Here's how I did it. Also everything that is written with commas (e.g. "Word") should be used without them:

1. Download the Creation Kit. Simply go to "Library" (in Steam). Near the upper left corner there should be a text ALL GAMES if your viewing the game library. Click the text and it should open up the list. Select "Tools". Then find a tool named "Creation kit", right click it and select Install game... Follow the process of installation.

2. Go to your Skyrim folder. The destination should like this:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\skyrim" or "C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\skyrim"

3. Find a file named SkyrimEditor.ini or just SkyrimEditor

4.Open it up and search for a line:


If it's set on 0 set it to 1. If it's 1 then save and DON'T close the file. If you didn't find this line then paste this line bellow the text [General]: bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=1
(This should allow you to load multiple Master files that means it will allow you to load the files of the DLC)

5. In the the same file find a line called [Archive]. Bellow you need to find a line that looks like this:

Simply add more values to the line. Add "HearthFires.bsa" if you have Hearthfire and "Dragonborn.bsa" if you have Dragonborn or add both texts, separating each with commas (e.g. "HearthFires.bsa, Dragonborn.bsa"), if you have both DLC. You can add "Dawnguard.bsa" if you have Dawnguard but were not going to use that here so it's optional.

6. Save and close the file.

7. Open the Creation Kit by going again to Tools and double clicking the text "Creation Kit".

8. Once it's ready, go to the top left corner and click "File", then click "Data...". A small window named Data should open up. Simply select the check boxes by double clicking them for Skyrim.esm , Update.esm , HearthFires.esm (if you have Hearthfire) , Dragonborn.esm (if you have Dragonborn) and TRO_BasicNeeds.esp. Then make sure you selected the file TRO_BasicNeeds.esp (it should be highlighted; if not click ONCE) and click the button in the bottom left corner of the window "Set as Active File". Once you've done this click OK.

9. Wait until the Creation Kit loads all the required files. If errors appear just select the option "Yes to all".

10. Once it's loaded, you should see a window in the Creation Kit called "Object Window". There should be a list with expandable items (expand them by pressing the "+"). Expand the item named "Magic". Then select (NOT expand) the word "Potion".

11. In the upper left corner of the window "Object window" there should be written "Filter". Near this word there should be an empty text box.

12. Go to a Skyrim wiki site such as uesp.net. I recommend them since they wrote a very detail explanation of items included in both DLC.

13. If you're using the uesp.net then find the Hearthfire or Dragonborn page. You'll have to go to both if you have both but select one of them for now.

14. Once you went to those pages. Under the line "Gameplay Information" you should find a link to the items named "Hearthfire Items" if you chose Hearthfire or "Items" if you chose Dragonborn. Click the link and it will take you to a page where all the items added by the DLC are listed.

15. Find the items which are food or alcohol.

16. Now go back to the Creation kit and the text box mentioned in Step 11. Write part of the name of the item, e.g. if the item is an "Apple Dumpling", write "dumpling" or "apple". Once you searched for an item it should show you the name of each item in the section "Name".

17. Double click an item you want to change. A window should open.

18. In that window look for a section named "Results". There should be several or one effect(s). Simply right click them and select Delete. Do this until it has no effects.

19. Right click on the empty "Results section".

20. Select "New". It should open a window.

21. Near the word "Effect" there should be a dropdown list. simply open it and press the keyboard key "T". It should quickly put you on the first item that starts with a "T".

22. Scroll down slowly until you see an item which begins with "TRO_bn".

23. Now you have to select one of the items

e.g. If the item you're editing is a light snack select "TRO_bnFoodLightSnackEffect".
Simply analyze the names and you'll understand what they mean. One of the effects are harder. This is making an alchohol work. You have to add 2 effects:
1) "TRO_bnBottleDefault" (this works for any drinks that are in the unchanged (a.k.a. vanilla) Skyrim game)
2) "TRO_bnLightAlchohol" or "TRO_bnStrongAlchohol"

Also if you aren't sure if you chose the right effect, simply click OK in the "Effect Item" window and look in the "Potion" window in the "Results". The name of an effect should be written, e.g. if you chose the effect "TRO_bnBottleDefault", it should be written "Default bottle action for vanilla drinks".

24. Once you've done this click OK in the "Potion" window.

25. Repeat steps 16 - 23 for every food and drink item listed in the Hearthfire or Dragonborn (or both) pages. You can check the effects of the other foods already with effects simply by searching for them.

26. Save the file you just edited and quit the Creation Kit.

27. Start Skyrim and in the launcher open "Data files" and make sure that the box of the "TRO_BasicNeeds.esp" is checked.

28. Start the game and enjoy

Edited by mprep
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