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Item reflection color


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I changed the colors of the glass cuirass like so: http://i.imgur.com/QhbdKPS.jpg


As you can see, all of the green hues have been changed.


However, when light reflects off the armor, it still appears green: http://i.imgur.com/OG9BiNI.png It seems much more noticeable indoors near the fire.


My question is how is this reflection controlled? I would like to change it to match the texture.

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Thanks for the info. Can you recommend any guides on tweaking environment maps?


I opened cuirass_0 and cuirass_1 in NifSkope, and under BSLightingShaderProperty I found a very green value for Specular Color. I calculated the appropriate decimal values and change the color to a grey-gold, then I saved the new files in Data/meshes/armor/glass/f/ and fired up the game. However, I am still seeing a green tint.


Is there something else I missed?

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