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Backpacks- are they attached?


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Hello all,

I saw a mod on the nexus to add a back pack. The creator said he wasn't a modeler and said anyone can make a model for him and contribute it to the mod. I'm decent (and getting better), so I threw together a quick model. I followed the guidelines for replacing a nitriblock data from a nitristrip, (converted it to strips, altered the details). When I load it up in game, the backpack is attached to the characters foot.


The only thing I can gather is, that it must require attachment to the skeleton. I came to this conclusion by attempting to import the original enclavepoweramor backpack.nif, it says that the male skeleton is missing. I'm assuming that's because it needs rigging.


Can anyone confirm for me? I'm still getting my feet wet in the Fallout 3 modding scene.


Thanks everyone.

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Yep, you need to attach it to the skeleton. I believe the skeleton is somewhere in the meshes under _male. It's been a long time since I tried to make any armor, and that was only for Oblivion not Fallout.
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Yep, you need to attach it to the skeleton. I believe the skeleton is somewhere in the meshes under _male. It's been a long time since I tried to make any armor, and that was only for Oblivion not Fallout.


Yeah, ahwell. I don't think we can import skeletons yet. I've attempted, doesn't seem to go very well.


I'll stick to static objects for now I suppose.

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I attempted that and it totally botches in game for whatever reason. Random issues. Attaches to the foot. Angles fly off in to the distance. Tried manipulating it's placement in 3DS Max, then overriding it. places it higher up, but still graphically botched.


I think it has something to do with the back pack being a nitriblock instead of a nitristrip. I have to stripify it in order to copy over my backpack, and I think that's messing with it somewhere.


I'm going to play with it a little more tonight, see if I can figure something out.

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