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Pause Menu Isn't Responding


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When I open up the pause menu, all the buttons on the side are faded and inactive. None of them work except for the Mod Configuration Menu. Also, whenever I press my mouse button, regardless of where it is on-screen, the buttons flash for a half-second before going back to being inactive the moment I release my mouse button. The worst part is if I'm looking at my Pip-Boy and pause the game, I can't exit the pause menu at all, even if I hit the "escape" button. The only way to get out of it is to enter "quitgame" into the console, which shuts the whole game down immediately.


I found this out when I tried to reload a previous save. When I realized I couldn't access the "load" menu, I tried quick-loading in the hopes that I'd end up sometime earlier. Unfortunately, I ended up at a quicksaved game waaaaaay back near the beginning of my game (near Goodsprings). But this time, when I paused the game, all the menus were working again! Unfortunately (again), when I loaded up my most recent save, the pause menu went back to being unresponsive. Stranger still, when I opened up my inventory, I found out that Project Nevada's Inventory Sorter was active, even though I never had it activated to begin with. Trying to turn it off with MCM proved fruitless, though restarting the game seemed to turn off the Inventory Sorter at least.

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