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Result Script


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Hey can someone post a simple result script which kills and sets an NPC on fire, I've already set up the dialogue I just need the script.




If the fire part is too much, can someone at least upload a kill script. It should kill the NPC you are speaking too.

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you might want to check how Beth did it in that place where you are a kid and you try to fight the girl she says 'you cant do that here' and sets you on fire and you die...


might be a good place to look. see how they did it

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just off the top of my head (so I promise nothing)...


There was a weird way to kill people in Oblivion (a very similar scripting environment) instantly. I used the code in one of my mods to create a demigod-weapon. I'll look it up... if this doesn't work for ya:


If the PC is the only actor that the NPC will talk to (ever) then set a variable to true based on the "isTalking" function. After that variable has switched to true from false, wait until it flips false again (the dialogue has ended). At that point, light it up!

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