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Major Danwguard bugs fixed yet?


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So Im having some rather major problems, that according to google have been around with the vanilla DG forever. My biggest problem is no matter how many old saves I load, Im unable to get Kindred Justice. I've tried the console commands listed on the various Wikis where this bug is mentioned and Serana wont intitate the dialogue to start the quest gating the entire end of the DLC. Its almost like the quest scripts dont exist because the console accepts the commands to start it without error but nothing actually happens.


Has this been fixed yet in a mod? I tried the unofficial patch and that did nothing.


My second problem is Summoning Duhevir or whatever that dragon is, I've pointed at the ground, jumped around all on open land and spammed the shout and nothing happens.


As for mods Im running, Its just the DLCs, Official HD Tex packs, Unofficial Patches, UFO and SkyRe and of course the Skyrim on Steam updated to 1.8


Thanks to anyone who can help

Edited by LenaMarie
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