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First and foremost, and I have spoken with LC in PM, I would like to extend another huge applause to LC for running with RiverHelm and totally (in my opinion) blowing away every other Castle/Keep Mod available to the community. I think he did a fantastic job and the amount of time he invested in this project should certainly not go unoticed. Someone commented earlier in the thread that Modders don't deserve money. Well be it true that we all do this from our Hearts and devote solely to the cause of improving a game product that we all equally enjoy when designing mods for the community. But obviously Bethesda deserving the real market value on their product for revamping such a great game in this new TES sequal.


I personally do not see the harm by any degree in experienced and talented modders (there are many!) such as LC requesting donations for his hard work that we all take profit in.... by enjoying and experiencing his work. Who else truly gives you that? Great modders should be recognized. But again it's an optional donation, it's not like they're charging for their products as that just wouldn't be right in my opinion. Perhaps LC can make the dialogue only flash once in a single conversation so as not to repeat it until you restart convo with that said NPC? Anyway it doesn't bother me that much to leave it there, just an idea. /Donation Rant Done! lol


Thanks LC.


So let's see if we can get LC to keep up his great work on this awesome mod. Heck, his mod doesn't have much more room for improvement as it stands alone in greatness but I am sure we can all come up with some ideas that will surely give him a nasty headache at the thought of how to impliment these ideas (if at all) and perfect RiverHelm so that we can all definately say "Leave it the way it is!" :thumbsup: I personally don't think anything is perfect in life, but the perfect pursuit of it to make things better and evolve something.


Otherwise why Mods? So lets carry on then to my ideas. I've got an extensive collection that I've gathered from the entire community on this one peticular mod and made notes thus far, since I installed it. I am sure there is more that I am missing, or haven't thought of. But thats why we're a community to help each other, I would love to hear more ideas and hopefully we can swing LC on some or most of them? *Cross Fingers*. Donate Donate! lol. /Wink LC.




I am not a modder for this game and have no clue how to use the CK so my ideas are all based on just that, an idea. I have no clue what is possible and what isn't or expect LC or anyone for that matter to run with this as it's up to them. But all one can do is hope! As far fetched as these ideas may be, some may not even be possible, I still want to throw them out there! :biggrin: I also want to say again that some of these ideas came from the others in this thread and other threads regarding RIVERHELM so I am not stealing ideas, just reposting them because they're great ideas! Thank you.






Q1--Find/Locate RiverHelm as Ruins or Small Settlement that you begin a Quest allowing you to Rebuild it into a flourshing City and Castle. Great example borrowed from another game "Dragon Age", how you collect and gather resources for your builders to (over time) rebuild the Grey Wardens Keep. It would be fantastic in RiverHelm's case and add that sense of accomplishment once you were done!


Q2--Questline to earn or become King? The current Knight to King process is good and simple. But why not advance it into a Questline where you actually have to earn it through a Quest and prove your valour capable of Knighthood and then being crowned King with a Ceremony where the entire City's people gather within the Royal Hall? The dialogue could be simple as the in-house General or City Mayor of sorts (like the existing NPC's near the throne) Knights or Crowns you followed by an applause, whistles, screams of joy from the NPC's -- Background Sound Script?


Q3--Adoption possible and/or bring children into any of your homes within the Castle or City? Be nice to see your rugrats running around your grand hall, or your Mansion, or your smaller cottages (like Whiterun) without a child-adoption-mod capping you off at six children. With the space you could certainly adopt more or if you really wanted to (although I don't recommend going overboard) adopt every single homeless child and have that gratification that YOU made sure there were no more homeless and parentless children in Skyrim. But like I said, the option would be nice.


Q4--Adopted Children Grow into adults (Optional) and become part of the guard, workers, farmers, staff, etc. On/Off growth menu function for adopted, or procreated Children/Heirs?


Q5--Marriage & Marriage Ceremony Questline, to find your true love? I'm not tickled with the loss of Masculinity by stating this idea. But I am firmly well within the spirit of realism in any RPG game(s) I play and I think this would do exactly that for those (like myself) who love to get into the role playing aspects. Similar to the idea I provided earlier about Ceremonies for being Knighted, I think there should be a huge wedding Ceremony inside the Temple in RiverHelm. Why not?


Q6--Assasins or Spies discovered to be in City, Locate and kill them Quest(s). Guard Commander finds you when you enter through the Gates, opens dialogue, and informs you that a Spy, Assassin or Brigand Causing Trouble has been discovered within the city and is too dangerous to approach for the regular guard patrols. Initiating the Quest. Provides you with the option of sending the Royal Guard after this person, 2-4 days lapse and the Commander tells you he's been dispatched, maybe have a spot for his/her head to be mounted to set an example to intruders of Riverhelm? Or the other option is to engage this person or (persons) yourself and dispatch them! Hence the script creates the assassin(s) or bandit(s) within the Tavern, or a Location within the City.


Q7--Inform the Yarls of each City, Including the Emperor himself, that I am King/Queen. Self explainatory, adding dialogue and script to Yarl/Emperior conversation(s) when you speak to them next after attaining RiverHelm. Might require more voice actors or Yarl Mimics? Not sure.





R1--Replenishable Ranks. Everything replenishes, or should! I noticed that during invasions of RiverHelm mainly and currently insighted by the Gate-Guard dialogue opener, that the basic Guards and anyone near by jump in and defend the city. Including the bloody horses! I know that the Guards replenish, or should, as I haven't played around with that too much lately to gauge that. Only tried it once. Was funny. But the basic Guardsman should replenish, and at a heightened rate especially when invasions happen or a Dragon attacks (had that a couple times already). Or does it already do this? Anyway, Everything from Guards to a Royal Guard, including Commanders, Recruiters, should all replenish after given time. Heck I would even make the Recruiter, Commander, Royal Guards (not ones you can use outside the city) Invincible so that they don't die, but take wounds like the main Questline characters in Skyrim. No?


R2--Soldier Morale affected by Birth or Death of Heirs. As someone stated earlier in this thread have the stats effected in combat, or dialogue changes to reflect the birth or loss of an Heir. Why not?


R3--Random Invasion Generation? Keep the option availavle to insight this one yourself through the gate guards, as that is too funny to pass up and the drool of power from your mouth watching your guards crush an imposing force should always be there. Pass me a bucket! lol. Self explainatory, have random Brigand or Lizardman invasions every week or something to keep things exciting. Perhaps when the invasion happens they have Archers shooting up at Guards on the walls all around. Might add quite a bit more to the combat feel. Like war!


R4--Throne Graphic Facelift? I like the two side-by-side thrones LC, it's definately a nice touch. But it was suggested that a function of being a single-ruler, or a family-ruler should technically modify the throne setup. Single rulers can have one throne. Married rules the two (exists already, no changes), and if you have children give them some smaller throne-seating near or to the side of the King/Queen, etc. I even beg that the ruler him or herself should have a LARGER throne in the middle of all this. But that's just me. lol


R5--Custom Insignia/Banner Choices or Modifications? An option via the Advisor, General or Recruiter to select from a list of choices for Insignia for your royal emblem. Not sure if these can be done without a lot of work, as it would involve armory/appearence re-work throughout the entire mod. But it would certainly be awesome to be able to custom tailor your own Kingdom somehow.


R6--One location for tax collection. Instead of having to go to all those chest scattered throughout the City to collect funds, have an NPC scripted to calculate the combined taxes and report via a book, or note that shows what each production, service or industry provides and then simply *xxxx Gold Added*. Perhaps have it so that you can choose which one to collect from through Dialogue... "Which industry would you like to check on M'Lord, M'Lady?" Get the idea? I think thats better IMO then walking all over the place with several load-screens.


R7--Weekly Festivals? NPC's gather at City Center? Dancing, more Bards, etc? I know this involves more scripting of NPC's and animations perhaps. But if we're going to shoot for the stars on realism within a city, why the hell not aim for another Galaxy? ;)




V1--Custom Voices Youth-Elder. I am sure that LC had limited options when it came to voice actors to produce dialogue, and kudos for him on the custom work for sure. But I did notice that some of the voices sounded like "young men" talking through OLD NPC BODIES, and kind of stole a little snippit of the realism for me. Or is it just me? I'm not complaining as it's hard to find people to do these things, but if at all possible maybe people could petition voices (myself included) record and send in, and LC or someone could review and modify/fine tune these voice matches? Or might even just be easier to make younger looking nord NPC's to match the voice-actor's youth?


V2--Custom wording doesn't match Subtitle Dialogue needs tuning, or dialogue to match words. I laughed at first because it was funny to hear and read. Some of the actors are kind of comical in a sense. No disrespect meant. You guys did great! But I've noticed that this game is hinged on Subtitles matching the words of the NPC's and it strays from this in many points of dialogue in RiverHelm on various NPC's. Some of the dialogue as I said, doesn't line up or match. Perhaps some tweaks to make it more pro-streamline and accurate? Just an idea. ;)




N1--NPC's need more dialogue or functions, can get boring. Spice it up?


N2--Grange woman is pissing me off. I'm the King damnit! NPC dialogue/behavior needs an overhaul here. The Chicken-Fat Lady shouldn't be telling the King that he needs to get out of the chicken coop, damnit! lol, and this needs to be fixed throughout the City if there are any other NPC's that do this in certain areas. So far it's the Chicken-Fat Lady that bugs me. She needs to be taught respect damnit. lol /AP Mod Activate!


N3--Stables need to be secured so that horses don't join fight and die on bridge entry. Not that they don't respawn or what have you, but hey Im an animal lover. lol


N4--Body Pile up after raids? Do they vanish after so long? This I don't know because I haven't tested it to be honest, I should have before posting. But if they don't disappear, that should be remedied. Or decay? Maybe this is unavoidable due to game design?


N5--Guard Recruiter Soldier Quantity order? So you order guards, reinforcements, new commanders, royal guards or whatever. How about being able to order (with limits due to performance game issues) a certain quantity that show up in the recruiting yard? Say 10 being the cap? Just an idea.


N6--Guard Recruiter Arms Supply? So as to supply your custom order of troops or collect armor, weapons and gear to apply to NPC's you collect into your Kingdom. ie. Lydia and others being dressed in Royal Guard Uniforms. Either way I didn't see any function or options of re-producing this beautifully done RiverHelm uniforms or armor. Would be nice to see this, and even craftable? Don't see an option for this other than collecting gear off your dead soldiers.




C1--More lit up Castle Exterior and Entry, via Torches or lighting of some sort. Would totally add to the atmosphere. The current lighting might suffice, but thought I would pop it out there.


C2--Entry way needs a more grand appearance, Banners, Statues, etc. *Ahem* Guards posted outside the Gate! ;) Someone in the thread earlier mentioned something about the Statues of Talos everywhere looking too themed or not to liking. Perhaps a different variety? Or have a City Craftsmen be able to change statues throughout the City?


C3--Gate Switch removed on exterior.. and anyone just pull this switch and go into YOUR City? Have Guards report "King/Queen has arrived..open the gates for thy Majesty". Gates open as player approaches each gate (auto-script), currently two functioning gates to play with in the current set. I think this is an awesome idea, if possible. Perhaps simpler just to "talk to a guard" and he then scripts into the whole "Open up for the King" phrase. Make you feel more Royal !


C4--Darker version of Castle/City, RiverDeep? RiverBlade? For the darker of players who want a more evil or darker side to their Kingdom rather than light and majestic. Just a thought. This may be a revamp of the entire castle itself in terms of cosmetics, a time consuming feat. But would make for a great expansion to RiverHelm, or an option anyway. Who likes? I know I do. It doesn't mean the guards and characters would have to be evil persay, but more tough, rough and darker!


Thats all I have for now!


If anyone wants to jump in and copy/paste parts of my post and add ideas or give me better ones to present -- please do! It took me the better part of three hours to put all this together so I'm hoping you will all read and be constructive and enjoy my ideas. I'm still not sure LC will consider more work on RiverHelm or if he would authorize someone to expand on his ideas. But thats why we're all here right? To learn, build, improve and evolve!


Thanks guys, and LC if you read and consider some or all of this. ;)


Now flood with input...... :biggrin:

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