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Having trouble with JSUE and MCM


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I thought I'd give JSUE as shot, so I did the following.


1) Clean Install (gog version)

2) NVSE 5.1 install

3) JIP LN NVSE plug-in install

4) MCM Install

5) MCM bug fix


7) NMM 0.71.3 install (I know people have suggested MO2, but I prefer this one)

8) Installed MCM in the plug ins menu in NMM


and then started the game. It appears JSUE sorta working. My carry weight has dropped, however, stims don't have weight (and I'm on HC mode). I also don't have the extra option from MCM at the menu screen (where I presume I can lower the loot amounts in the game).


Any chance I missed something?

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Did you check the comments page? Notice that the latest version shifted from the MCM to an INI file for configuration settings, as well as "load order" recommendations.


Also, note that there is a later version of NVSE called xNVSE which is a backwards compatible "fork" from 1.5a with additional features.



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