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Script help with custom companion


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I am currently trying to make a bard companion (The plan is to have the bard not participate in combat but instead sing/hum/whatever and have effects happen tot he player or summons or debuffs to mobs in a given area), I have a Voice actress on board and we are hashing ideas atm. I haven't really modded anything in over 8 months so I am just a tad rusty and could definitely use some help.


What I am trying to do is setup dozens and dozens of scenes But I need help figureing out the best way to script them to happen randomly on combat start for the player or the actor. Also how to turn the scene off on combat end.


I am mostly just rusty at scripting in general and I could probably do what I did for my descent mod and bash my head against scripting for 2 weeks until the blood helps cleanse the fog. But I honestly don't want to do that :P


Anyone that can help would be appreciated and anyone that has a fair grasp of scripting that i can throw questions at would be nice as well. I plan to put in a lot of work on this mod but the scripting always hurts my brain, once I get something I get it but havent tried for this before.


Thanks in advance

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