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UI issues after changing from VUI+ to DarNUI


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So, here's what's going on. i modded up my game and chose to, at first, go with the new VUI+. seeing as i am going to be using revelations as well, and it had an all in one file for VUI/Revelations with no kickback. i also kinda like the size of the info so i'm not squinting in my rapidly aging eyes to the lowest corner of the screen. so to save my eyes i thought it'd be best. as i finished getting every mod i wanted set up off my test save, i noticed a few little things about VUI+ that kind of made size an issue. both some of the pop up menues detailing things (grenade hotkey, WMX and such) would stretch too high and low on the screen, and in the MCM, some of the details either collided, or the information on the bottom of the menu ran down to being unseeable past the bottom of the screen. unable to really find a solution that was simple enough for my idiotic brain, i attempted to get Darn running instead, only to find that the solution of size ran into more problems with UI conflicts somehwere, and now oHUD's iHUD is not taking away the whole extra stuff like armor condition primary needs or clock away at all, and the items inventory menu is pushes so far left that it's almost blank except for bunched up letters on the top left corner.


TLDR; VUI+'s too large size is a problem for menus colliding, and switching to DarN is fudging with oHUD/iHUD and the items inventory menu and no manner of dependency/conflict load tweaking is fixing the issues popping up.


Seeing as this is a UI issue, these are the mods i have that are hitting UI;










And all relevant patches. I do NOT have VUI+ and DarNUI running together, i uninstalled VUI+ entirely before installing DarN. and i could switch back but unsure if more problems will ensue

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"User Interface (UI)" problems indicate you have changed XML files. This is often caused by an "install order" problem with more than one mod replacing or editing the same XML file. Please see the wiki "HUD-UI-Menu issues" article. (This takes some interpretation as applies to your situation. There are too many permutations for an "if A then B" type of guide. If you haven't encountered XML files before then the "TL;DR" section is not going to help by itself.)

"Disabling" mods is not enough to restore things to "vanilla" if they overwrote any files. UI mods definitely do this, and can make "edits" to other existing XML files. You have to "verify local files" to restore the originals, and still may need to delete the "loose files" so those vanilla versions get used from the BSA files. Then correct the sequence in which you install those UI affecting mods. Please see the 'Restoring to "Vanilla"' entry of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article.


Note that VUI+, Revelations, and DarnUI are all what I refer to as "base UI" mods in that article. As such, overwrites of the same XML files are to be expected and you may have to compare them for "differences" and make manual edits to get any particular combination to work together. That article deos address the issue and provides a general solution.



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i thank you for referencing me to a guide i never knew about, and i tend to steer clear of XML edits as i am NOT a coding type at all so i tend not to mess with them because i'd break them more than fix anything. i used this to help me reset the menu's to default and whatever Darn's problem was the entire process it has makes it undesirable to me now, especially if i want revelations. The combined single install of VUI+ and Revelations is simple and doesn't fudge with much of anything. so using this guide i'll clean the DarN out of my files and go for just simple. though i still wonder how i will be able to slightly fit the font of VUI+ better in MCM, and the menu thats way too big... oh well.

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There is a mod called "The HUD Editor" which allows you to "adjust" elements of the HUD graphically, "on screen". It has builtin compatibility with:
* Vanilla UI Plus (v8.41)
* Vanilla HUD Remastered (v1.83)
* oHUD (v1.1)

However, that does not mean you can use it to adjust MCM menus, which are scripted by that program. For that you might want to experiment with various "font sizes" of the "font" you found for DarnUI assigned to "sFontFiles" variables until you find one that is a better fit. Example: "sFontFile_1" is used in certain circumstances while "sFontFile_2" is used elsewhere. (Sorry, I don't know which "sFontFile_#" are used where. Not something I needed to work out.)

What I can tell you is that "font size" is given in "points" where the higher the number, the larger the size. When a number is included in a font filename, that is usually what it is referring to: "points". For example, a font size of "12 points" is fairly common for text and looks "like this" in the forum, while "18 points" is larger and looks "like this". The "names" of a font refer to the style of the character shapes. Implementation of a font can vary with the program, so do not expect anything other than a relative size and shape comparison between them. (Refer to the link for an explanation of the other elements of a font.)


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