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Custom Eye Texture with Glow map; how?


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Hello Nexus, I'm having a very tedious issue. I made a new eye texture that looks decent on its own, but I intend for it to glow yellow. Thing is, when I apply my glow map, it does not work.


Following this guide:



When I open the texture set, there's options for the diffuse, normal, environment, glow, height, another environment, multilayer, and backlight mask. When I apply my dds file for the eye texture, which is saved as "DXT1 RGB 4 bpp | No Alpha", nothing changes. When I check other eye mods that have a nice glow, they show no glowmaps, which really confuses me.


How do I get a glow map for an eye texture? There's no mesh involved, so using nifskope seems illogical.

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