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Ideas for Mods, Quests and lots more for Fallout 3


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:biggrin:Side mods for Fallout 3


Ok, These are just a bunch of random ideas me and other friends had in mind with fallout 3 I know vehicles are not in fallout 3 but only time will tell before there is some.. I

hope... Anyhow Some of these are very far fetched and while others are well u decided. Anyhow feel free to add to the list.



that are drivable or even just trying to lock picking it and the engine dosent start would still be ok for the time being, to perhaps give the feel like they can be used, and can sit

inside them which can allow you to check its inventory? Fission battery etc...


Custom built Vehicles= from parts across the map put together in a garage, Starts off with a chassis in garage (its to big to carry) then apply wheels etc battery, gear box

etc, all how many parts etc to your liking, all panels can be added later if are modeled by 3rd party mods? etc.

This game could really used a Dirt bike or a Quad bike.. HL2 dune buggy anyone.

Could range from a hover board to a dune buggy, motorcycle an dirt bike, or even yet the standard fallout 3 cars an bikes.. All these alone could be scattered across the map

with its own chassis which holds its own set of unique sub quests in order to get that vehicle working. if your "built" vehicle is destroyed when u drive it then it reappears back

where u built it all still intact..


Acid Rain

have to seek shelter these are not very long showers and occur at random.


A large Shopping mall

complete from car lot to furniture store, tool shop to food court. with lots of escalators. (watch 12 monkeys movie)


Custom built weapons

But more so like piece together your own style, aka sniper scope on a pistol if u choose to etc. by using scrap metal, and or discovered parts.


Gang Land territory

Play kingpin.... A Sealed off sections of a urban or wasteland gang post. That you can hire thugs to be your bodyguard. And the more u save his or her life, in the V.A.T.S.

system they could too appear like the mysterious person does by taking over the action at random depending on the issue..? But being able to give them commands.


The WW2 museum and history of violence...

This would so own! imagine coming across a section in the Museum in fallout that had its own history of violence that we have seen in the likes of Demolition Man movie,

Crawl thru air duct, fall in chamber A pirates type setting Flash guns, Gun powder, cannon balls, But you and all of Section A are all sealed in a high proof glass Transparent

metal?? whatever, anyhow load up cannon with cannon balls with stick, gun powder and pow, breaks glass, and Section B, Section B could be Knights and stuff (oblivion


Same thing applies with even more goodies, Cannon ball gun in Section B is preformed the same way as cannon ball gun Section A.. but Section B's gun is instead replace by a Catapult. once done Smashes Sections C glass to WW2 goodies And its Machine gun or grenades can smash Section D's window which is the Sci-Fi section. I dunno maybe

some sort of Phase plasma Rifle in the 40 Watt range? Or a cool Gun like the Law giver from Dredd movie. Fire, grenades, armor piecing, ricochet. etc


More flying creatures

And not hovering creatures such as flies or etc. I'm taking about being attacked by a massive mutated eagle!!! or something maybe a mutated dragon looking creature who

knows.... Something big that sweeps the land and it may have allot of items for you to loot if you kill it, but if it flies over you and sees you in open areas it may attack you..

And by Killing it you then let off a toxic chemical that spores of more offspring of its self. Say 1000 scattered through the map, each one u kill each other bird will get bigger.

and by doing this the size of each bird or stage of how many u have killed get bigger each time u come across a new one. the last one will be the biggest one and it starts all

over again..


A Jetpack= I'm guessing much like the one out of that Rockateer movie.. Super Fast not like the slow ones in all other games. Used for outdoor area only... Maybe when runs

on low instead of falling to your death the Jetpack could backfire or putt itself etc so it can slow u down when out of fuel.. like nintendo 64 star wars shadows of empire jetpack.


An Arena= A thunderdome, or a giant cage ball. or a Rancor pit type thing.. This would be good to introduce for when you sleep in a danger zone etc you wake up in a cell.

walk to door fall through grate in floor to filled water tank, (buried at ground level) walk out pick up only weapon fight, if u win u get all your stuff back including stolen stuff

etc.. and gain much respect etc, from maybe Raiders?


A cloning Lab, and u can create a body guard NPCs of yourself!! if wanted to. maybe if u do more than one clone of yourself they start to attack u and go berserk?


Need more improved A.I. and I'm guessing this would be the hardest to enhance. Ai. that can Ambush you. Like Con air in the Airfield. when an enemy are in sneak mode

they dont show up on your radar. And attack you from either side of you, or all around you etc. to flee only to bot path there own way attack u from behind.. Have a random

NPC that follows u but in sneak mode that dosent attack but trys to attack u in ur sleep, or whatever when u least expect it.

If there are squads (such as the Enclave drop ships) make one NPC in command of the other NPCS that are apart of his or her squad. Instead of running where ever

backwards shooting at you. The main NPC gives orders for them to Flank left or right, Heavy, Spotted, Retreat, Etc like bf2 and or Opposing force but NPC coded.

Maybe adding in a surprise factor in the VATS thing where a NPC could duck when u shoot at his or her head? stops its from being so easy to kill.


Family A.I. what would happen if u killed everyone in the map? apart from the main quests characters it would be an empty map. could it be possibly for NPCs to have a child

next time u see them? or after many visits. What I mean is expanding the number of NPCs on a the whole fallout 3 level on both enemy and friendly sides the longer u play

it, so it feels like Megaton and other places feel more populated each time etc..

Also give them duties to do. such as clean, toilet, equip stuff an goes exploring etc.


Expansion Ideas

A good way to introduce the Vehicles if it were to be in an expansion would be the arrival of the Road Warriors. Punks with chainsaws and motive cocktail!!

A Submarine arrives with a group of people all in Radioactive gear, take you to there city, or parts of it, Give you that escape from LA or New york movies, and since you know

so much about D.C. And its surroundings, your info to be shared could be quite expensive.


Some building an random ideas,

Jail, Car yard - scrapyard, a indoor cinema or old school dance theatre, a West World theme park mod. (watch the movie) Spiders, Some sort of underground HIVE level.


Differant foods and drinks to intake. be able to smoke a ciggy. a run down airfield. more mods that are set outside of fallout 3 level border. Expand the level more. Where are


the TV's? A time Freeze gun, shoot a enemy makes them slow in a slow mode like in VATS but u can still run around them normally? for a short period of time.

Wheres my Bolo Tank!!! A level that is a undestroyed city, and full of NPCs and etc. Other Vaults that have not been opened.


And last but not Least pls for the Love of God pls pls pls add in a Sprint mod. Because fallout 3 an oblivion is mostly crawl -> walk -> jog, But no Sprint????

Anyhow thank you for time reading this, all of these above are merely just ideas and suggestions....

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