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Problem with custom texture paths


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Hey all, I'm working on a custom outfit and have been having problems getting the game to recognize the my custom textures for the body. The custom texture path for the actual outfit is fine, the game reads and displays them. For the body however, the custom texture paths work in nifskope (the textures show up), but NOT in the game. It keeps reverting back to using the default femaleupperbody files under "textures/characters/female". The body textures are being stored in the BSShaderTextureSet of the BSShaderPPLightingProperty.


I have attempted to:

- make the amount of letters of my custom path exactly the same as the default path.. no effect

- did an "array > update" to the "Textures" field under "Block Details" of the BSShaderTextureSet after editing the texture paths.. no effect

- made a new TextureSet in GECK for my custom body texture, applied it to the "arms01" entry in my custom armor item, and then saved and ran the ESP.. no effect

- use "NiSourceTexture" instead of "BSSHaderPPLightingProperty" to point the nif to the dds files.. no effect


Its strange that the custom paths for the outfit are working, but not the ones for the body. Anyways if anyone has any insights, let me know.. I'm completely stumped :\

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