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BA_WastelandRestoration messed up?


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Honestly, I tried everything, but its just not working. I reinstalled the game 3 times, I uninstalled all my other mods and The mod in question. But every time I start the game I wind up with this:




The ground flickers and twitches like crazy, trying to load the grassy texture its meant to, but obviously to no avail. The trees taken from oasis are fine, but all other custom trees in the mod have weird sign textures, as seen in the picture.

I need help in getting this mod to work, if I'm doing something stupid don't be afraid to point it out ;)


Im using FOMM, running Fo3 GOTY with steam.

Here is the link to BA_WastelandRestoration: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/16703


Thanks in advance for (hopefully) correcting whatever it is i'm doing wrong :)

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Thefixr - Hello!


The trees look like it's an archive invalidation issue.


Make sure you've taken care of archive invalidation as failure to do so will prevent the new textures from showing up properly.


To fix it, either download & activate:




Or, since you use FOMM, click on Toggle Invalidation on the right.


For "New" FOMM you have to go to the buttons at the top & select:


Tools - Archive Invalidation


NMM has a built in Archive Invalidation too.




Note FOMM/NMM's version often needs to be toggled off & then back on again when you add in a new mod.


Hope this helps!



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