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Lag, Freeze, Stutter after downloading Dragonborn


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I took a break mid Dec. & the game ran smooth, came back feb. 6th downloaded dragonborn and everything is lagging, brief freezes and stuttering when looking side to side 75% of the time. I did the normal trouble shoots...ran boss, cleaned mods with TES5 until i finally uninstalled all mods & reinstalled the game with no mods & it still had lag & stutter. I also deactivated the HD texture pack. Any advice would be appreciated.

Here is my rig.


AMD Phenom II X6 1100T Processor, Black Edition, OC 4 cores to 4.1 GHz, liquid cooled


EVGA GeForce GTX680 SuperClocked 2gb (latest official drivers)


16gb memory



ASUS Crosshair V motherboard

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm having the same problem. updated drivers for everything. HD texture pack and mods disabled/enabled has no effect. It happens more frequently around occupied NPC locations such as cities, towns, mills, castles and even camps. Could run the game on Ultra before "Dragonborn" was installed. Now I get major stutter/freeze frames when looking around.

Turned the "Object Fade" slider all the way down & noticed it stopped. But that setting is ridiculous. When entering or exiting an interior it begins to happen more quickly. The only fix I've found that helps (not really) is to ALT+TAB or Ctrl+Alt+Del. wait a sec. then get back into the game. But that only helps for a few seconds until it starts up again. Makes Skyrim unplayable & broken. Which makes me a sad panda 'cause I used to play it butter smooth.

Everything is now set to "High" but not doing anything to help this problem. It's got to be a bug of somesort, because I'm getting 60fps before it starts happening. Again, no mods.
EVGA 560

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