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About Dragonsoul Absorb and Miraak Invulnerable Glitches.


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I just took a quick look at the Forum here, and haven't found a topic that was specifically about these 2 topics, so i created this one. Sorry if i missed other threads.


I was one of those people that encountered both glitches with the new DLC. I wasn't able to absorb ANY dragonsoul whatsoever anymore. Neither was Miraak, which (i think) caused him to be stuck in his invulnerable ethereal form. (Since he couldn't heal himself by absorbing dragonsouls)


For me everything worked as it should after i deactivated 2 mods with the Nexus Mod Manager (Just deactivated, not deleted). Those 2 mods were "Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS" and "Adult Show XXX - ASX" (Don't judge me, I am not a very strong willed Person. Also, be honest, your little warrior can't tell the difference between animated and real women either!)


After that, i reloaded a save just before the dragon word wall which was guarded by 2 Seekers, did the whole dragon flying part again (with my character stuck in that typical T form, as if not animated at all) and fought Miraak again, this time he was able to absorb the Souls, heal himself and finally die like he is supposed to!


Hope this helps someone who has the same issue or even a modder to create a fix so the mods still work with the new DLC.

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If you are talking about the simply absorbing dragon soul anywhere there is a simple solution.

First you need the UDBP installed.

Than go to your data/scripts and delete dragonactorscript.pex

This is interfering with UDBP's patch for fixing dragon soul absorption

Than run BOSS and you should be good to go.


If it doesn't work you can always restore dagonactorscript.pex in your recycle bin so you really don't have anything to loss by trying it

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If you are talking about the simply absorbing dragon soul anywhere there is a simple solution.

First you need the UDBP installed.

Than go to your data/scripts and delete dragonactorscript.pex

This is interfering with UDBP's patch for fixing dragon soul absorption

Than run BOSS and you should be good to go.


If it doesn't work you can always restore dagonactorscript.pex in your recycle bin so you really don't have anything to loss by trying it

I tried this and it didn't work. I have a pretty big list of mods I admit, but everything is so stable with the exception of this dragon absorbing thing.

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You have check to make sure that the following files are actually deleted:


meshes\actors\character\character female\defaultfemale.hkx


There are some mods that add these(besides FNIS) and it causes serious dragonborn grief.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Starting the game WITHOUT SKSE enabled me to absorb dragon souls once again. That's a bummer, 'cause I like some of the mods that use SKSE. :(


Weird. I still use SKSE and I'm able to absorb the souls again. I also use all of the "unoffical" patch mods, so it's quite possible they fixed taht particuar bug.


I just assumed it was the FNIS mod, because a lot of people around the net say that those glitches are caused by mods that affect animations or add new ones.

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