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[Mod request] Guarding should be better


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Currently in mhwi even though you block an attack, it's rly hard to counterattack cuz the player is pushed too much. Also there are too many unblockable attacks in mhwi though the player uses guard up. Can anyone make a mod that reduce the distance of being pushed back or make Guard up skill block unblockable moves?
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You use Guard Up to make unblockable attacks blockable (max 1lvl of skill) and use Guard to reduce pushback from attacks (max 5 lvl of skill).

I use a lot of Lance and HBG and just lvl 3 of Guard is usually enough. Chargeblade may need less since you can "charge" your shield (gives 1 lvl of Guard) and if you practice your timing, using guard points is like getting another extra Guard lvl (so from gear/decos, 1lvl of Guard is usually enough).

IRC Lance in IB got "free" Guard Up as if you "charge guard" ( [R2] + (O) / [RT] + (B) ), then hold dodge ( (X) / (A) ) and wait for that bluish glow to appear (just be careful since it requires a moderate amount of stamina). Luckily, Shield deco won't be only-RNG dependent in 2 weeks (Fatalis update).

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