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Random Horse?


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Hey, guys. I was just playing the game with some new mods to test out and I saw a random white-and-brown horse sitting in Riverwood, just outside of the inn, next to the fence. It says I can 'Steal' it, but, when I do, no bounty is added and no one seems to care or shout out that somethings been stolen. No bounty is placed on me if I attack it, either. Just a free horse out of nowhere. I think this is obviously a mod, cuz the base game doesn't have this. But, which mod? HA! I use:


Deadly Dragons

Deadly Combat


Locational Damage

Realistic Ragdolls and Force

Realistic Running Speed


Dead Bodies Collision Fix



Climates of Tamriel


Other than these and an ini.-change mod that helps my game run faster, I don't have any other mods. This isn't exactly game-breaking, but I'd like to know why I know see this spontaneous horse that no one seems to own. :D

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