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QuickStore for Skyrim


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There used to be a mod for Oblivion called "QuickStore" which provided a few spells that allowed you to magically transport items you were carrying to specific storage containers in a house you owned. I'd love to see something like it created for Skyrim. If I'm remembering correctly, it had the following features:


1) In a player-owned cell, any storage container (chest, barrell, sack, wardrobe, table, desk, etc) could be marked as a particular type of QuickStore container. You cast the "Mark as QuickStore Container" spell (or something similar) on the container and a menu opened up with several choice, including Loot for Sale, Armor & Clothing, Weapons, Ingredients, Potions & Spells, Soul Gems, Jewelry, Books, Miscellaneous etc. There were several available.


2) The "Loot for Sale" container was special - more on that later.


3) You could designate as many or few containers as you wanted, but only one container of each type. So, for instance, you could designate a desk as "Books and Papers," a wardrobe against the wall as "Armor," and a chest in the corner as "Loot for Sale," but you couldn't have more than one "Armor" container. If you tried to mark a second container as "Armor," a warning dialogue box would remind you that you already had a container marked as "Armor" and ask if you were sure you wanted to change it. Changing it did not lose any of the items stored in the original container, nor did it transfer them to the newly designated container.


4) When your inventory got too full while you out adventuring, you could cast a spell to QuickStore your items. A menu would appear asking which of the containers you wanted to access. For example, I might want to store some weapons I've picked up and plan to keep. I'd choose "Weapons" from the list, and a container menu would appear. I could then transfer whatever items I wanted into the container, knowing that when I arrived home, I could find the items safe and sound in the container I'd marked as "Weapons."


5) It didn't really matter what items you put into which containers - the names of the containers were just markers to help you organize. If you wanted to store Soul Gems in the Books container, or food in with the Armor, so be it. There was no auto-sorting or anything else.


6) The QuickStore spell could only be used to store items - once stored, you could only retrieve the item by physically travelling to the container and opening it. This helped keep the mod from being too overpowering.


7) The "Loot" container was an exception. You could store anything you intended to sell in this container. The mod included a "QuickSell" spell that would transfer the items from this container (and only this container) back into your inventory - but the spell could only be cast on a merchant, so you couldn't "cheat" and store high powered armor or weapons to be summoned to yourself when you got in over your head in a dungeon.


8) While the spells were available for purchase from a vendor immediately, you had to "own" the cell the containers were in (like a player owned house, etc), so you had to work to earn enough to have purchased your first house before the spells would do you any good. It sort of made you do the traditional level grind long enough to have someplace to call your own, then helped to make dungeon crawling less tedious without being as easily abused as, say, , a Bag of Holding might be.


9) There was also another component - a spell that could be used to mark a certain number of cells (or maybe containers?) as player owned. It was intended for those instances in which a mod might add a home for the player, but actual ownership of the home might not be apparent to the game. Since only containers in player-owned cells could be marked as QuickStore containers, if the mod didn't assign ownership to the player, the spell would do so.


I liked the mod a lot! It really helped with "collecting" pieces (I was trying to get one of every kind of armor or weapon). If I didn't already have a particular sword, I could QuickStore it into my Weapons container. If it was a repeat, I could QuickStore it into my Loot for Sale chest and sell it when I got back into town.


I still have the original .esp file from the Oblivion game if it helps at all - I can no longer find it on the Nexus, but it's available for download on other sites.

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