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Crash at start up now that I have put mods on


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I moved on to Skyrim, I have that modded and stable.


Got bored came back, I want to play my fallout games.


Fallout 3 wasnt working well, I found that Win 7 isnt supported Yay! I basically have to hack my own computers operating system, limit it to 1 core, install dx9 drivers and roll back my video drivers, backwards install network framework, and c++ 3.5??? GO backwards software wise which what,...has tto be undone if I want to play Skyrim or any of my other games for that matter...GAWD


Fallout New Vegas is crashing now that I've put mods on it. I've unchecked said mods and it still crashes with just the base ESM.


Looking around here for threads that should be stickied and found none.


Specs are

Win 7 64 bit

3.7 Ghz


Geforce GTX 550 TI


FOMM exported Load Order



[X] FalloutNV.esm

[ ] oHUD.esm

[ ] Project Nevada - Core.esm

[ ] Project Nevada - Equipment.esm

[ ] Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp

[ ] Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp

[ ] Project Nevada - Extra Options.esm

[ ] The Mod Configuration Menu.esp

[ ] DragsModernGunslinger.esp

[ ] WeaponModsExpanded.esp

[ ] Project Nevada - WMX.esp

[ ] WMX-ArenovalisTextures.esp

[ ] Project Nevada - Cyberware Additions.esp

[ ] Project Nevada - Rebalance Complete.esp

[ ] Patch.esp




The plugins text



# This file is used by Fallout NV to keep track of your downloaded content.

# Please do not modify this file.




Edited by gamefever
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If you installed mods with install scripts, some of them might have changed configuration files in odd ways. If you have a backup of your ini files, try restoring it, if not, try resetting your display options in the default launcher's configuration settings dialogue and cross your fingers.


Find you plugins.txt and make sure it's actually blank, and not still got mods indicated despite the launcher reporting none. It's in %USERPROFILE%\AppData\FalloutNV IIRC.




Nope, no more ideas.

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After loading all the esms and esps getting same crash






Project Nevada - Core.esm

Project Nevada - Equipment.esm

Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp

Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp

Project Nevada - Extra Options.esm

The Mod Configuration Menu.esp



Project Nevada - WMX.esp


Project Nevada - Cyberware Additions.esp

Project Nevada - Rebalance Complete.esp




I play the game first thing after a fresh install left the docs house Saved and then proceeded to shoot up the town.

everything worked fine so I started installing a few mods.


Used Fnvedit to merge and started game up CRAShed to desktop, then I unchecked everything except FalloutNV.esm crahed to desktop.


No one in there right mind would play an unmodded game. Dont tell me this is Beth policy.



I added to the INI files


















Edited by gamefever
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Yes I got that and it's not getting me to the main menu.


I've tried a few of the d3d9.dll 's too all of them go to a crash at start.


I also just reinstalled the latest driver (just now in 4 minutes) the 310 driver set from 290 I was reccamended to use to get F3 working but that didn't fix either.



Just performed a Reveriffy Cached through Steam and it reaquired 2 files but it still didnt luanch


edit 2


Narroeing down the problem,


Following Gopher's vids


I downloaded DarnUi

I was missing the ESP, now if I run the game with the Darn esp checked it works.



Cant get it running with Project Nevada...

Then there's a question is this the latest version of Darn UI



Yes I had a missing mod.

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