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Khajiit hair type with Rings buildable as light armor?


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So I really hate all the open faced helmet that come with the light armor. Mod authors have tried to accommodate Khajiit players but nothing to my eye looks good. What I want to know is can I go into CK find the hair style I use with the rings in the ear and just make it into a light armor head piece?


Here's my reasoning. you can't get some light armor perks without a full set - which includes a helmet. I want the perk but I don't want the helmet. You can already craft a "Ring of Khajiit" so couldn't you modify that so it could be crafted as a "Ear Ring of Khajiit" that once created could have the same type of smithing values combine it in the Glass category (legendary, epic) like regular armor?


If anyone who's done mods in the past believes its possible to do I'll take a stab at it - I just would like to know before i waste a lot of time if such a thing is a possibility.

Edited by NodTuGud
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Aye, it's possible with CK to do such.


But it's not related to Ring of the khajiit in any way.


Earrings are listed under hairstyles for kahjiits, you need to make armor addon that uses the same mesh as those ear-ringed hairtypes.

And to do that, you need to extract the mesh itself from meshes.bsa, or copy/paste the mesh path from the hairtype.

(But that never works when I try to do it.)


To make armor benefit from armor perks, you need to attach several keywords to it.

It's probably easiest to take a look at the armor window, search with "glass" and doubleclick glass helmet, /the helmet you want to use as a base.

Change ID, make it use the armor addon you just made


And you're done.

Helmet that looks like earrings and can be used with light armor perks.


However, to make it forge-able, you need to make recipes for that as well.



But aye, it should be possible.

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