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Preset Help


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the load tab that pops up on the left doesn't show jack. I think its a failure of skyrim itself. Click the load button, it should then open a file folder (in an incredibly stupid text format btw)

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Yeah that's the menu i see when I click load preset but nothing shows up for me. I don't know how to get them to show up.


Make sure your presets are located where I said.




I ran into the same issue early on.


When you see a preset you want to download, check the "file contents" in its "files" tab before installing or manually downloading. As I noted some or many are directed to the wrong folder.


you may also be able to navigate to other folders with the file window, but I don't have the game open right now to check.


The mod file is located where it should be. Inside .../Data/SKSE/Plugins/CharGen/Presets. But does not shows any presets installed. Any help? Downloaded over 100 presets but none of them shows up in that Load Presets tab.


Did you download "presets" that weren't RACEMENU presets? There exist also presets for BODYSLIDE, which are completely and utterly different. Those BodySlide presets also have their own distinct file path where those files must exist to be recognized by BodySlide; if you tried to drop a BodySlide preset file into RaceMenu's file path, it would not work and would not be recognized by either RaceMenu - wrong type of file - or BodySlide - wrong location. The reverse is also true.

Edited by VulcanTourist
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Yeah, good point Vulcan Tourist. The presets (racemenu presets) I'm talking about are .jslot files and some additional stuff (faint paint, makeup, etc), but the primary element is the jslot.


for bodyslide the files are .osp files (1) , and .xml files (3) to define the various components of the Bodyslide sets. (slider categories, slider groups, slide presets, and slider sets)


I still suspect confusion, since that panel which pops up on the left in racemenu is always empty for me, but clicking the load button (f9 I think) opens an archaic "file manager" window suitable for a "high level" arduino and shows all the .jslots located in the raemenu presets folder..

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