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Access Persistent Ref in Interiors?


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I have a companion that will only accept 1 weapon and ammo from the player. I have code that adds the weapon and ammo that the player gave him to the proxy container and then the script activates the container on the players behalf ( ProxyContainer.activate player 1 ). The filtering portion of the script works but Only works when I'm outside. I assume that it is because the container is placed outside. How can I access a persistent reference while indoors?


Edit: Okay, so with some more experimenting I found that If I travel to far the dialog for the Locker will still open but the items wont be processed correctly...

Edited by orkel1215
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Set an xMarker where you initially place the container. Then "move" the container to the player, transfer items, and "move" the container back to the xMarker when done, ready for the next instance. As you have discovered, the containers need to be in the same cell.



Edited by dubiousintent
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