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Heightmap Help


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Hey, guys. I recently found a heightmap that would hep me with an old mod I'm thinking of working on again (WoWWR) but I saved it as a png and another format ,not important, but I still can't use it as a heightmap in the CK. I now know that it needs to be saved as a .raw file, but I have no idea how to do that. Could anyone help me figure out how to find a workaround, or make a .raw file? Thanks in advance!

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Ok... I actually found a way to make it a raw file and I copied a version of the RAW file to the directory that the heightmap wants me to import from, but now when i try to import, it just freezes and then sends a message that says it needs to stop working cuz it needs to shut down. Am i doing something wrong here, or is it just the CK?

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Sorry, but I would really like some help with this. That's the only reason I woud ever bump... If a whole day has gone by with no repies. :) Could I possibly have done it wrong? I see a lot of peope have this same kind of problem with HM editing. Edited by BeastlyBeast
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