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Lighting Issues


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I'm wondering if anyone might have a clue what could be causing these lighting issues. First is some lights going in and out depending on where I am standing or looking like the first few pictures. The second is the really bad lighting issues in the last couple of pictures. Can't figure out what is causing them or how to fix it. I'm using Rudy's Cathedral ENB, Cathedral, Windows Shadows, ELE, Tamriel Master Lights, ENB Light. ELE and ENB Light currently are off because I thought they may have been the problem but I'm trying to use them all. I removed clothes/armor and weapon mods from the lists below because I figured they weren't involved and would just add a lot to scroll through


Mod List



# This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer.
+Bashed Patch
+DynDOLOD - Textures
+FNIS Overwrite
-Maybe Not That Useless Patches Collection
-ELE SE - Cutting Room Floor patch
+(JK's Skyrim) Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods
+JK's Skyrim - Skyrim 3D Trees Patch
+JK's Skyrim - Cutting Room Floor Patch
+(Cutting Room Floor) Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods
+LeanWolfs BSW Rudy HQ More Lights for ENB Arrows Patch
+Improved Hearthfire Lighting SE
+Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE
+Lanterns Of Skyrim II
-Enhanced Lighting for ENB (ELE) - Special Edition
+Window Shadows by HHaleyy
-ENB Light
+Auto Hide Ammo
+ABT SE - Arrows and Bolts Tweaks Special Edition
+Ultimate Combat SE
+Archery Gameplay Overhaul SE
+Andromeda - Unique Standing Stones of Skyrim
+Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim
+Immersive Patrols SE
+HearthFires - Unique Display Rooms - SSE
+JK's Arcadia's Cauldron
+JK's Sleeping Giant Inn
+JK's Dragonsreach
+JK's The Bannered Mare
+JK's The Drunken Huntsman
+JK's Warmaiden's
+JK's Belethor's General Goods
+JK's Skyrim
+Cutting Room Floor - SSE
+Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods
+Skyrim 3D Trees and Plants BILLBOARDS
+Skyrim 3D Trees and Plants
+Blubbos Trees outside Whiterun
+Trees Addon Billboards
+Trees Addon Cities WIP
+The Elder Scrolls - Veydosebrom
+The Marshlands
+JS Lockpicking UI SE
+Arctic - Frost Effects Redux
+CleverCharff's Caves 2K
+Ice Cave Parallax Improved
+Project Clarity - Statue Textures 2k
+Embers XD
+Blended Roads
+HD LODs Textures SE
+Perfect Terrain LOD
+Majestic Mountains DynDoLod Pack
+Majestic Mountains
+Septentrional Landscapes SE
+Ruins Clutter Improved SE
+High Poly Project
+Skyrim 2020 Whiterun buildings parallax
+Skyrim 2020 Riften Parallax addon
+Skyrim 2020 Parallax by Pfuscher
+Noble Skyrim Mod HD-2K SMIM Patch
+Noble Skyrim Mod HD-2K
+Static Mesh Improvement Mod
+Enhanced Textures Detail (UV-tweaks)
------------------------Main Textures---------------------------
+ETHEREAL CLOUDS - Special Edition
+Obsidian Mountain Fogs
+Guide to Weather Creation and Realtime Snow Cover
+Storm Lightning for SSE and VR (Minty Lightning 2019)
+Rudy ENB Night Sky
+Cathedral Weathers and Seasons
+PCA_1hm Animations Overhaul
+Pretty Combat Animations
+FNIS Sexy Move SE
+CBPC - CBP Physics with Collisions
-CBP Physics
+HDT-SMP (Skinned Mesh Physics)
+XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Extended
+Fores New Idles in Skyrim SE - FNIS SE
--------------------Skeleton & Physics-------------------------
+More Informative Console
+A Quality World Map
+Lazy Tools
+AddItemMenu - Ultimate Mod Explorer
+RaceMenu High Heels
-Heels Sound blank
+Skyrim Particle Patch for ENB
+ENB Helper SE
+HearthFires Display Case Fix SE
+SkyUI SE - Flashing Savegames Fix
+JContainers SE
+PapyrusUtil SE - Modders Scripting Utility Functions
+SSE Parallax Shader Fix (BETA)
+SSE Engine Fixes (skse64 plugin)
+Address Library for SKSE Plugins
+Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch
+DynDOLOD Resources SE
+Indistinguishable Billboards for Skyrim SE
*DLC: Dragonborn
*DLC: HearthFires
*DLC: Dawnguard



Load Order



# This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer.
Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp
Lanterns Of Skyrim II.esm
Perfect Terrain LOD.esm
Cutting Room Floor.esp
Cathedral Weathers.esp
Obsidian Mountain Fogs.esp
Weather Maker.esp
S3DTrees NextGenerationForests.esp
Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods.esp
HD Lods SSE.esp
Embers XD [ESL].esp
JKs Skyrim.esp
JK's Arcadia's Cauldron.esp
JK's Belethor's General Goods.esp
JK's Warmaiden's.esp
JKs The Drunken Huntsman.esp
JK's Dragonsreach.esp
JK's Sleeping Giant Inn.esp
JK's The Bannered Mare.esp
Unique Display Room.esp
HearthFires Display Case Fix SE.esp
Immersive Patrols II.esp
Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp
Andromeda - Unique Standing Stones of Skyrim.esp
ABT SE - Faster Arrows Improved.esp
ABT SE - Faster Bolts Improved.esp
ABT SE - Loot Ammo.esp
ABT SE - Merchants Arrows.esp
ABT SE - Progressive Damage.esp
ABT SE - Recover Ammo.esp
LoS II - Tamriel Master Lights.esp
Frost Meshes Patch.esp
Embers XD - JKs Skyrim - TML Patch (XD).esp
JKs Skyrim_3D Trees_Patch.esp
JKs Skyrim_Cutting Room Floor_Patch.esp
Landscape For Grass Mods JK'S Skyrim.esp
Landscape Fixes For Grass mods - Cutting Room Floor Locations.esp
LoS II - CRF patch.esp
LoS II - JKs Skyrim patch.esp
LoS II - SMIM patch.esp
LoS II - TML - JKs Skyrim patch.esp
Bashed Patch, 0.esp



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Lighting in Skyrim is difficult to get right... TBH, I don't think ENB or a weather mod are to blame here.


One massive problem with lighting in Skyrim is an engine limitation: The game won't render more than 4 shadow casting lights at once. AFAIK hardcoded, so nothing you can do about it. Unfortunately, the game often makes "questionable" choices regarding which light sources to render...I think that's exactly what's happening here.


If you have several mods placing light sources in the game world (JK's cities, Tamriel Master lights, Lanterns of Skyrim....), you can easily get more than 4 shadow casting lights in certain places. So the only solution would be to reduce the number of light sources. Try disbaling mods, that change lighting and especially ones that ADD light sources and see if this helps.


For the problems with torches, you might also try one of the dozens of torch mods. Unfortunately I can't give a recommendation here - I seldom use torches so I don't care too much for torch light.

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