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Grappling hook/acention gun


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not sure if this is even possible to script but, it would be excellent to have a means in which to go above certain areas, though testing would need to be done in order to ensure that there actually IS something there, rather than it be like most games where it looks complete but only from the perspective of the player to conserve polys, and the reality of the model is similar to one of those old Wild west movie building jokes, with the front of it built but nothing else.


if the game IS complete enough that regardless of what perspective you are looking at the structures are whole, than this item could be very useful.


course the second problem is one of invisible walls, especially around the downtown DC area where there are collapsed buildings blocking streets etc forcing you to use the subway (somewhat Ironic, since Washington DC today is a veritable nightmare to navigate without going through the subway.)


a simple mechanic, at least in gameplay principle, you fire a dart that sticks to whatever wall or ceiling or floor you aim it at, and can use the secondary fire or primary fire to ascend/descend, to detach the dart it might require you to unequip the item, or maybe have it along with the jump and crouch command to ascend/descend, leaving you able to use a weapon as you "rappel" and have the firing mechanism and detach mechanism be something else entirely,


another nice feature would be if you could combine that with a gun as a secondary fire, the gun would have to be a large pistol or small carbine/smg where using the iron sight zoom wouldn't do much good anyhow and be a short ranged weapon, similar to the Naboo heavy pistols from Episode 1 (yes I'm a huge Star Wars nutcase, and to be honest I'd love to script a grappling hook launcher that was wrist mounted and compatible/built in to Mandolorian, Clone Trooper and/or Stormtrooper armour).


another interesting thing would be if the grappling hook could be used as a weapon, and/or use Rope as ammo, find a pseudo implementation of the rope from Fallout 1 and 2,


an alternative for that, which would be even MORE like Fallout 1 and 2 would be to have rope as a portable ladder, where certain things in the game could have the rope be used on, and create what essentially counts as a ladder only has a different climbing animation whether it could be reusable or only once per rope item/area (as in, you cannot retrieve the rope when finished but have that rope line there for the rest of the game) as it was in Fallout 1 and 2 or actually make it so you can retrieve the rope back into your inventory, but if you want to go down there again you'll have to use it again.

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Now this is one I hadn't heard yet. The grappling hook thing would be pretty fun. Especially useful for sniping.

From what I hear, many areas are not complete if viewed from a higher elevation and whatnot. On the other hand, there are quite a few people wanting to do flight mods from what I hear, and I've also heard talk of people wanting to fix these incomplete spots, though whether or not that will happen is anyone's guess.

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