ughfhhyg4555786 Posted September 20, 2020 Share Posted September 20, 2020 I try to create a new spell that can cause a series of explosions around caster like a circle.I have tested it many times. In some place, the circle is completed, but the circle sometimes is incomplete or explosions sometimes will all stay in a single place. I think this must be something wrong with my formula, but I just can't figure it out. Really need someone to take look my script. Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget,Actor akCaster) Caster = akCaster ActivatorRef = Caster.PlaceAtMe(AA_EmptyActivator) Ang = ((360 - Caster.GetAngleZ())/18) OriginAng = Caster.GetAngleZ() Count = 0 While count <= 18 count = count+1 FinalAng = OriginAng + Ang*count ActivatorRef.MoveTo(Caster,200*Sin(FinalAng),200*Cos(FinalAng),Caster.GetHeight()) ActivatorRef.PlaceAtMe(AA_FireExplosion) wait(0.1) EndWhile EndEvent Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ughfhhyg4555786 Posted September 20, 2020 Author Share Posted September 20, 2020 I think my mind just get stuck. I made some changes and it worked. Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget,Actor akCaster) Caster = akCaster ActivatorRef = Caster.PlaceAtMe(AA_PentagramEmptyActivator) OriginAng == Caster.GetAngleZ() Count = 0 While count <= 18 count = count+1 if (OriginAng + count*20)<360 ActivatorRef.MoveTo(Caster,200*Sin(OriginAng + count*20),200*Cos(OriginAng + count*20),Caster.GetHeight()) ActivatorRef.PlaceAtMe(AA_PentagramExp) else ActivatorRef.MoveTo(Caster,200*Sin((OriginAng + count*20)- 360),200*Cos((OriginAng + count*20)- 360),Caster.GetHeight()) ActivatorRef.PlaceAtMe(AA_PentagramExp) endif wait(0.1) EndWhile EndEvent Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ReDragon2013 Posted September 20, 2020 Share Posted September 20, 2020 (edited) hmm.. Are you sure? OriginAng == Caster.GetAngleZ()ughPentagramSpellScript Scriptname ughPentagramSpellScript extends ActiveMagicEffect ; Activator PROPERTY AA_PentagramEmptyActivator auto Explosion PROPERTY AA_PentagramExp auto ObjectReference ActivatorRef ; object holder ; -- EVENT -- EVENT OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget,Actor akCaster) ActivatorRef = akCaster.PlaceAtMe(AA_PentagramEmptyActivator as Form) ; place special activator near the caster myF_Place(akCaster as ObjectReference) ENDEVENT ; -- FUNCTION -- ;-------------------------------------------- FUNCTION myF_Place(ObjectReference casterRef) ;-------------------------------------------- float fZ = casterRef.GetAngleZ() ; fZ = OriginAng float fH = casterRef.GetHeight() ; get height of caster once (outer the loop) int n = 20 ; init by 20 degree WHILE (n <= 360) float f = fZ + (n as Float) ; f = OriginAng + count*20 IF (f > 360.0) f = f - 360.0 ENDIF IF ( ActivatorRef ) ActivatorRef.MoveTo(casterRef, Math.SIN(f) * 200.0, Math.COS(f) * 200.0, fH) ActivatorRef.PlaceAtMe(AA_PentagramExp as Form) ; place explosion near the moved activator Utility.Wait(0.1) ENDIF n = n + 20 ; 40°, 60°, .. 360° (380°) ENDWHILE ; maybe next is useful to clean somethings as fast as possible IF ( ActivatorRef ) ActivatorRef.DisableNoWait() ActivatorRef.Delete() ActivatorRef = None ENDIF ENDFUNCTION Edited September 20, 2020 by ReDragon2013 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ughfhhyg4555786 Posted September 21, 2020 Author Share Posted September 21, 2020 yeah, you are right. I made some change based on your script. And now it works fine. And also I would like to know if there is a particular reason to use the function. The only thing I know about function is to reduce the size of a script. For example, Code 1:....................................................................................If code 1 need to be used more than once in the script, I can create a function that contain this code and use this function instead code 1. Function can significantly reduce the size of a script and this is only advantage that I know about. However, I'm sure that a function can do even more than this. If there is any resources I can look at, please let me know. I do really appreciate your help ScriptName AA_PentagramScript extends ActiveMagicEffect Import Math Import Utility Activator Property AA_PentagramEmptyActivator auto Spell property AA_PentagramExpSpell auto Actor Caster ObjectReference ActivatorRef ObjectReference ActivatorRef022 ObjectReference ActivatorRef033 ObjectReference ActivatorRef044 ObjectReference ActivatorRef055 Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget,Actor akCaster) Caster = akCaster ActivatorRef = Caster.PlaceAtMe(AA_PentagramEmptyActivator) ActivatorRef022 = Caster.PlaceAtMe(AA_PentagramEmptyActivator) ActivatorRef033 = Caster.PlaceAtMe(AA_PentagramEmptyActivator) ActivatorRef044 = Caster.PlaceAtMe(AA_PentagramEmptyActivator) ActivatorRef055 = Caster.PlaceAtMe(AA_PentagramEmptyActivator) float OriginAng = Caster.GetAngleZ() float CasterHeight = Caster.GetHeight() int Count = 0 While count <= 18 count = count+1 float f = OriginAng + 20*(count as float) if (f)<360 ActivatorRef.MoveTo(Caster,200*Sin(f),200*Cos(f),CasterHeight) AA_PentagramExpSpell.RemoteCast(ActivatorRef,Caster) else f = f - 360 ActivatorRef.MoveTo(Caster,200*Sin(f),200*Cos(f),CasterHeight) AA_PentagramExpSpell.RemoteCast(ActivatorRef,Caster) endif wait(0.25) EndWhile Count = 0 float Plus = 0 While count <= 3 count = count+1 Plus = Plus+ 200 ActivatorRef.MoveTo(Caster,Plus*Sin(OriginAng),Plus*Cos(OriginAng),CasterHeight) AA_PentagramExpSpell.RemoteCast(ActivatorRef,Caster) ActivatorRef022.MoveTo(Caster,Plus*Sin(OriginAng+ 60),Plus*Cos(OriginAng+ 60),CasterHeight) AA_PentagramExpSpell.RemoteCast(ActivatorRef022,Caster) ActivatorRef033.MoveTo(Caster,Plus*Sin(OriginAng- 60),Plus*Cos(OriginAng- 60),CasterHeight) AA_PentagramExpSpell.RemoteCast(ActivatorRef033,Caster) ActivatorRef044.MoveTo(Caster,Plus*Sin(OriginAng+ 140),Plus*Cos(OriginAng+ 140),CasterHeight) AA_PentagramExpSpell.RemoteCast(ActivatorRef044,Caster) ActivatorRef055.MoveTo(Caster,Plus*Sin(OriginAng- 140),Plus*Cos(OriginAng- 140),CasterHeight) AA_PentagramExpSpell.RemoteCast(ActivatorRef055,Caster) wait(0.5) EndWhile ActivatorRef.Delete() ActivatorRef022.Delete() ActivatorRef033.Delete() ActivatorRef044.Delete() ActivatorRef055.Delete() EndEvent Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ReDragon2013 Posted September 21, 2020 Share Posted September 21, 2020 (edited) The benefit of functions is mostly to have small and clean content of events. If you like to put all the code into the event, if it works nobody will blame you.My way of papyrus coding is not always intuitive. Many ways lead to Rome. Maybe next code helps to understand the sense of functions. I also try to show you the benefit of arrays. AA_PentagramScript Scriptname AA_PentagramScript extends ActiveMagicEffect ; Activator PROPERTY AA_PentagramEmptyActivator auto Spell PROPERTY AA_PentagramExpSpell auto ObjectReference[] a ; value holder for placed activator Refs ; a[0] = ActivatorRef ; a[1] = ActivatorRef022 ; a[2] = ActivatorRef033 ; a[3] = ActivatorRef044 ; a[4] = ActivatorRef055 ; -- EVENT -- EVENT OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget,Actor akCaster) myF_Action(akCaster as ObjectReference) ENDEVENT ; -- FUNCTIONs -- 2 ;--------------------------------------------- FUNCTION myF_Action(ObjectReference casterRef) ;--------------------------------------------- a = new ObjectReference[5] ; init array by five (a[0] .. a[4]) objectReference oRef int i = 0 WHILE (i < 5) oRef = casterRef.PlaceAtMe(AA_PentagramEmptyActivator) a[i] = oRef i = i + 1 ENDWHILE float fZ = casterRef.GetAngleZ() ; fZ = OriginAng float fH = casterRef.GetHeight() ; fH = CasterHeight float fp = 200.0 ; fp = Plus ; ---------------- circle of death (divided in parts of 20 degree) i = 0 ; i = count WHILE (i < 19) i = i + 1 float f = ((i as Float) * 20.0) + fZ IF (f >= 360.0) f = f - 360.0 ENDIF myF_Remote(casterRef, 0, fp, fH, f) ;;; a[0].MoveTo(casterRef, Math.SIN(f) * fp, Math.COS(f) * fp, fH) ;;; AA_PentagramExpSpell.RemoteCast(a[0], casterRef) Utility.Wait(0.25) ENDWHILE ; --------------- fp is already 200.0 i = 0 ; i = count (0..3) WHILE (i < 4) myF_Remote(casterRef, 0, fp, fH, fZ) myF_Remote(casterRef, 1, fp, fH, fZ + 60.0) myF_Remote(casterRef, 2, fp, fH, fZ - 60.0) myF_Remote(casterRef, 3, fp, fH, fZ + 140.0) myF_Remote(casterRef, 4, fp, fH, fZ - 140.0) ;;; a[0].MoveTo(casterRef, Math.SIN(fZ) * fp, Math.COS(fZ) * fp, fH) ;;; AA_PentagramExpSpell.RemoteCast(a[0], casterRef) ;;; a[1].MoveTo(casterRef, Math.SIN(fZ + 60.0) * fp, Math.COS(fZ + 60.0) * fp, fH) ;;; AA_PentagramExpSpell.RemoteCast(a[1], casterRef) ;;; a[2].MoveTo(casterRef, Math.SIN(fZ - 60.0) * fp, Math.COS(fZ - 60.0) * fp, fH) ;;; AA_PentagramExpSpell.RemoteCast(a[2], casterRef) ;;; a[3].MoveTo(casterRef, Math.SIN(fZ + 140.0) * fp, Math.COS(fZ + 140.0) * fp, fH) ;;; AA_PentagramExpSpell.RemoteCast(a[3], casterRef) ;;; a[4].MoveTo(casterRef, Math.SIN(fZ - 140.0) * fp, Math.COS(fZ - 140.0) * fp, fH) ;;; AA_PentagramExpSpell.RemoteCast(a[4], casterRef) Utility.Wait(0.5) fp = fp + 200.0 i = i + 1 ENDWHILE ; --------------- clean up placed objects i = 0 WHILE (i < 5) oRef = a[i] ; get array entry oRef.Delete() ; mark this object for delete oRef = None ; remove persistence a[i] = oRef ; clean out array entry i = i + 1 ENDWHILE ENDFUNCTION ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION myF_Remote(ObjectReference casterRef, Int i, Float fp, Float fH, Float fZ) ; helper ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; IF ( a ) a[i].MoveTo(casterRef, Math.SIN(fZ) * fp, Math.COS(fZ) * fp, fH) AA_PentagramExpSpell.RemoteCast(a[i], casterRef as Actor) ENDIF ENDFUNCTION Edited September 21, 2020 by ReDragon2013 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ughfhhyg4555786 Posted September 23, 2020 Author Share Posted September 23, 2020 I see. Thank you for the explanation. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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