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7 Days To Die

Mod Request: Loads of Brass


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So durning my A19 play thru I've noticed there is serious lack of brass. With the group of guys I play with, ammo gets spent but it takes us a few hours to recant half of what we spent and its getting to slim pickings because we've gone through so many buildings and basically all the cars, junk piles. etc etc. Maybe someone can make a mod where you can mine brass or make it. I've used a similar mod before but it hasn't been updated.

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The amount of brass is certainly slim pickings, and since they dropped the steel case ammo in A17, I imagine that heavy gun use can really tear into your brass reserves. But mining brass wouldn't realistically be a thing, as it's an alloy of copper and tin. Perhaps if they added copper and tin to the mines, as a lesser item found during mining for lead and iron (not terribly realistic, but more so that mining brass), and then you could make the brass in a forge.

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