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basic scripting question


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<p>I'm a bit lost on what functions/properties I'm able to call up. If I begin a script that extends ObjectReference, can I use Actor functions and events since the Actor script also extends ObjectReference? I'm basically trying to figure out how to damage an NPC using a weapon script (based off of defaultFireWeaponScript), and how to get the character to play an animation if property X returns as true. I'm also trying to get said weapon to play an animation when drawn (not equipped); how would one go about doing this?</p> Edited by StormWalker183
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Other way 'round -- if you extend Actor, then you can call ObjectReference methods in it.


However, you can always get an Actor object and call methods on it from your ObjectReference script.


I suggest heading over to the Creation Kit website and starting with the tutorials; they'll give you a good start on the basics of how to script.

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