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Nifskope question: ProjectileNode and SightingNode tweak/fix help need


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Been wrestling with the Compact Gauss rifle in the Beyond Boulder Dome mod to fix the heinous misalignment of the point of impact versus the indicated POI from the HUD crosshairs and the reflex sight/"iron sight" that's used when zoomed in. The specific file in question for those who have Boulder Dome installed is "Data\Meshes\boulderdome\Weapons\2HERifles\CompactGaussRifle\CompactGauss.nif".


I've tried editing the SightingNode, which is line 32 (32 NiNode ##SightingNode[7]) and was able to adjust the perceived POI somewhat: I could get accurate shots zoomed in looking through the reflex sight at close range (~10-15 yds), but it started shooting low left as I back up, which is a change from high right with the default settings.


I also tried changing the angle of the shot (or at least that's what I think I did) adjusting the ProjectileNode (31 NiNode ProjectileNode.00[6]) since the render in Nifskope seemed to indicate to me that it was firing the projectile at an angle as it exited the end point. Changing the Y axis from 2.2188 to 0 made it appear straight in the render, but no effect in the game.


Basically, I'm trying to adjust the NIF so the gun shoots straight, then adjust the sights so they show me where the shot will go. From reading the tutorials and some very helpful Nexus staff members, I thought it'd be a simple process of plugging in X Y and Z axis coordinates in the SightNode until I found the sweet spot. But so far it's been anything but simple.

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