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Ying yang philosophy


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Does anyone remember Phoenix Armor in fallout 2? Where you needed some 125 science skill or some ridiculous high number to get.

Anyway regardless it was a ying yang philosophy. You get 3 levels of armor (each with 10% to all damage resistance) but there is a side effect for each upgrade you loose 1 charisma.


I am just saying, that every mod and perk that is made now, is only having positive side effects, there should be some compensation for your boost to make your decision more worth while.


Like Night Vision desciription -

You have been raised in the dark as a child, some times constantly forgotten for days in the basement. Becuase of this you gain a 30% increased vision at night. But you loose 15% vision in the day.


I mean the original fallouts where all about that


Takes you 2 less ap (fallout 2 standard) to fire, but at the same time you loose the ability to aim.

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