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Version control


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I'm trying to use version control following this tutorial: http://www.creationk...Version_control
but when in CK I have to do: file>data>select "skyrim.esm">click on "details..." button I'm not asked to create an empty list, it just opens a "file details" window: http://s1295.beta.ph...124715072052356

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You have to load the files into the CK first, just like you would if you were working on a mod.

Once loaded, click on File > Data. Highlight Skyrim.esm and click Details. It should then ask you if you want to create an empty list. Click Yes.


Once the empty list appears, hold Ctrl+Shift and press B. This should update the bit arrays.

Repeat process for your .esm

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I managed to do it, my next problem is: I put a border region to prevent players from going out the playable area and it works, but in the map it's possible to go far away http://s1295.beta.photobucket.com/user/PelinalWhitestrake/media/2013-02-10_00001_zpsad8e5a46.jpg.html#/user/PelinalWhitestrake/media/2013-02-10_00001_zpsad8e5a46.jpg.html?&_suid=136077674544206612413873124425 where there is nothing. How to avoid this?

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