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Edited Terrain in the Mojave wont update in game


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My mod changes a small portion of the area outside of Jacobstown, near the Remnants Bunker.


I deleted some of the static meshes in the edited area (trees, rocks, etc.) and I raised and lowered some of the landscape to fit my needs.


It looks fine in GECK and whatnot, but when I load into the game and visit the area - the deleted objects return and the terrain goes back its original state.


I disabled every mod in my load order, but the base game DLCs, and no dice. The vanilla terrain and objects return.


I created a merged patch in FNVEdit, but the only thing the patch touches is dialogue topics.


So here I am scratching my head, I've never ran into this before in all my years of modding. My current mod changes the landscape of other areas, and they're working just fine.


What do?

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