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Question about Towns and Villages Enhanced (Any)


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I recently built a decent rig for myself that enables me to play with ridiculously high res textures/object counts with a 60+ framerate. I LOVED Towns and Villages Enhanced, and I downloaded and installed all the mods available on Nexus. However, due to a quite a few mod conflicts, particularly script-intensive mods, I manually reinstalled all m mods after deleting my scripts folder, cleaned my load order...and then I read about how Bethesda broke the navmeshes in one of their patches, and how other mods which affected navmeshes were causing CTDs. So I uninstalled TAVE, and started a new game from scratch. The game is pretty much totally stable now, no problems reported at all.


I've been toying with the idea of reinstalling TAVE, because I really miss it, and my rig can definitely, definitely handle it, but I'm concerned it might reintroduce CTD issues again - when I last experienced them, they completely and totally corruped my savegames. The mod author claims that his mods don't alter references, so they should cause crashing, etc and I'd just like to know whether they're safe to use.


Particularly, is there anyone who has been able to narrow down any stability issues to being caused by these mods?


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