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Schematics - strange scripting problem


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I am working on some custom workbench formulas and I've found a strange problem. I've created an exact copy of vanilla scripts and put a copy of schematics into the Craterside Supplies to test them out. When I pick up schematics from Moira's locker or buy them from her, they aren't transformed into a note (so they can't be used in workbench). What's more interesting, when I drop them to the ground and pick them again, they work as they should (item disappears and schematic note is added). Everything else works fine - I am able to create the item without problems.


Vanilla schematics work fine, Rock-It Launcher schematics picked from the same container don't cause any problems. I checked all my scripts and they seem to be ok, no differences from the vanilla ones. Yet, they don't "click" when picked up from container or bought in a shop. My plugin is always first in loading order so it shouldn't be caused by ObjectID problems. I've tried disabling other plugins but it didn't change anything. Any ideas what may cause this problem?

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