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Build a race in a esm file


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I want to create a esm file with a independant race I have copied from an other mod (for my personnal using only).

So I have created an esp file, duplicated the race and renamed it.

This race has his own files in his own directories. I have created all the objects needed, like HeadPart, FormList, Presets or Skins. All these objets are linked to the rights files.

Then I have transformed my esp file in a esm one with Wrye Bash.

But my new esm file is still dependant of the first one.

So what to do to make my new esm file fully independant ?


(My english is ugly ...)

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If you're sure your esm doesn't rely on any resources from the original mod, all you need to do is remove the parent master dependancy since it no longer serve a purpose. Do this in the CK by first clicking your mod in the Plugin/Master Files Data window (you don't even have to load it up) and then clicking the Parent Master you want to remove as a master, to the right . When it is highlighted, just press Ctrl + Del to remove it.

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