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Help! lost my head.


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recently i was playing on my low-level alchemist character, wandering around looking for ingredients, when out of nothing i got ambushed by a group of very strong npcs (i use the warzones - mod). as i hadn't saved in a long time and there was no way for me to win or survive this fight, i used immortal mode to get through it. i was beheaded in the process, so i created a new savegame and reloaded it, which made my head reappear. problem solved, i thought, and started saving in the quicksave slot again. problem is: whenever i wear a helmet, one of two things happens (depending on the helmet type):


a) my head vanishes

b) the part of the hair where the helmet should be is gone (which looks incredibly silly on my female character ^^)


in both cases, the helmet is not visible.

i've already tried to use the "resurrect" command on my character (it just crashes the game).

does anyone know what i can do? i don't want to give up helmets, nor do i want to play a female highelf with a half-bald head.

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I would suggest, using showracemenu command and switch to another race and back check if it has any effect.

Warning: doing this will reset your magicka/health/stamina stats and rearange them evenly, same happens with your skills, Perks remain, also you will level up.

So before you're using that command make sure to write somewhere where your stats/skills were.


To set back your Magicka/Health/Stamina type player.setav health xx (xx= amount)

same with magicka and stamina


Skills: same command player.setav "skill name"


Skill names:

  • Illusion
  • Conjuration
  • Restoration
  • Alteration
  • Enchanting
  • Smithing
  • onehanded
  • Marksman
  • lightarmor
  • lockpicking
  • pickpocket
  • speechcraft
  • alchemy
  • twohanded
  • heavyarmor
  • block

Good luck


Edit: if you want to get back on your level type.setlevel xx

Edited by Morgax
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