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Sounds like a good concept. Any specific ideas?


Like what if we had more stuff that looked like it's from BladeRunner? Or maybe a cyberpunk house style you can buy from Morita.

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well my main thoughts are more toward the tech side of the whole cyberpunk style, with all the crafting mods, implant mod, minor weapon mods. Additions like skills (though still unsure if that's possible), bringing traits with both positive and negative affects back (i know that's been suggested, i hope), a tech heavy city would be killer though a really time consuming mod with all the textures, npc's, and quests if any. Perhaps adding some stats and increasing the base amount given or even reworking the stats from near scratch.


I have no zero talent in modding but just from the suggestion or thought of it i can tell that would be a tremendious.


Not an excellent source but helped me get all jazzed up.

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