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Thanatos Mesh/Texture replaces Mirmulnir instead of Odahviing


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I wanted to get Zerofrost's Thanatos Dragon Mod. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/31229#

Only problem is I like his Feathered Dragon Mod more for Odahviing better. Is there someone out there who could make the texture and mesh replace Mirmulnir instead of replacing Odahviing. The mod already has all the files you need, I just don't know how to get them on a different dragon. Or if someone could link me to a tutorial on how to do it myself, that'd work too.

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Wll there is a mod that turns the Feathered Dragon into a Conjuration Spell so you can use the shout with another mod. Just make a backup before doing that i was messing up with Odahviing textures and now Call Dragon Shout isn't working anymore.

Just follow instruction and you should be good. This mod works great dont worry. My problem was caused by another mod

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