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Massive amounts of CTD with Dragonborn


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I am having massive amounts of CTD's with Dragonborn and always outside of Raven Rock. This is on multiple characters and I have already done " Verify Game Cache " BOSS, Wrybash, TES5EDIT cleaning and started to shut off mods to see but still CTDing all the dang time. I do have a log and if that can help please let me know, I hate to think that I wasted money on this!






I am not sure how to get a list of MODs without sitting here and typing them out.


My computer Specs:


NVIDIA Graphics card GeForce GTX470 with drivers 313.96

Intel Core i7 950 3ghz

12gigs of ram

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It is most likely one or more of you mods conflicting with Dragonborn. You will have to shut down one at a time until the culprit is found. Or you can take them all out and see what happens and then install one at a time back until the game CTD's again. There are other posts in the forum on CTD's and mods with Dragonborn. Might want to check them out.

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Same problem here, but it's not a local problem, like CTDs only in a special area. I got dozens and dozens of CTDs since I downloaded Dragonborn, the only pattern I found was that the CTDs occurred most likely if I attempted to fast travel with lots of followers. As more followers as more CTDs occured and if I was that lucky that the fast travel succeeded I got sometimes violet or black texture grafic bugs. This already happened in the "old" Skyrim, no need to to travel to Solstheim at all to make this experience.

I did the same as the thread starter, I deinstalled all mods, parked my toon in an interior cell, created a clean save and installed mod per mod anew and tested for CTDs.

All I can say so far is, it's not a mod problem, at least for me. I downloaded the new Dragonborn HD pack and maybe this was the bit needed to get over the top concerning the stableness of my system, grafic settings and .initweaks.

I played Skyrim with higher than ultra values, tons of high rez mods and loads of .initweaks.

The most stressing adjustments:

-playing with 2 x 670 GTX SLI but on 2560 x 1440 resolution (this resolution makes a big difference, but if you ever played Skyrim with loads of high rez texture mods at this resolution, you never want back, never, it's a dream)
-uGridtoLoad 7/64
-AF x 16
-AA x 8
-Transparency AA x 8
-Ambient Occlusion On and on high quality lvl
-triple FXAA (Skyrim's own, RCRNv36 FXAA and Nvidia FXAA)
-alone my mountains and rocks have 8k rez textures, NPCs 4k (CBBE)

I downgraded uGridtoLoad 7 to uGridtoLoad 5 and decreased some other values (treeload from 100.000 to 75.000, LoDs from 20 to 15, decreased DecalsperFrame, SkinnedDecalsperFrame and DecalLifetime and maxParticles from 1000 to 750) and kept the grafic card settings and my mods and now I will get a CTD here and there, but maybe one per hour and no need to load a game thrice for one fast travel as before. I deinstalled SFO Summer Edition and changed to the normal edition, too.

I have no idea what Dragonborn did, but it increased system pressure, definitely.

Now I am able to play again and I am able to keep the "real important" settings (that's not the .initweaks, the texture mods in combination with your grafic card settings make your Skyrim shine).

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Start Skyrim and load up a saved game
Use ALT+TAB to switch out of Skyrim and back to your Desktop
Edit the Skyrim.ini file as normal, modifying the uGridsToLoad variable to the desired lower value.

Save Skyrim.ini and close it
Use ALT+TAB to switch back to Skyrim
Open the Command Console using the tilde ~ key and type "refreshini"
Save your game to a new save slot, and it should now have the correct new uGridsToLoad value

A uGridtoLoad value will be baked into your saved game and just lowering this value in the .ini and then loading a saved game with a still higher value won't work, you won't be able to load the saved game at all. You have to adjust the same value as your saved game has, load the game and then change the value to a lower value while Skyrim is running according the above procedure. It's important to save the game with the new value to a NEW slot, do not just overwrite an old save.


Here is a link: http://www.geforce.com/Optimize/Guides/the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim-tweak-guide?sf2686171=1#14


Jump to the "Advanced Tweaking" section. There it will be explained what uGridvalues you have to adjust at all, or are adjustable at all.

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It is most likely one or more of you mods conflicting with Dragonborn. You will have to shut down one at a time until the culprit is found. Or you can take them all out and see what happens and then install one at a time back until the game CTD's again. There are other posts in the forum on CTD's and mods with Dragonborn. Might want to check them out.

well unfortunately you cant expect to install third party mods and then have everything work perfectly.. dont blame bethesda saying their DLC doesnt work when in reality its a mod conflict or a dirty save... it has nothing to do with bethesda.. AND no turning off all your mods doesn't prove that its not a mod problem because your save is likely dirty and has left over scripts embedded in it from older mods or the mods you just shut off. it is possible that dragonborn is the first thing to conflict with those old scripts that are in the dirty save but it doesn't mean that dragonborn is the cause its the THIRD PARTY mods that are awesome but basically have no guarantee to work properly or not screw up your game.


also read the sticky at the top of the forum when you are having problems like this thats why its there at the top of the page






a mod is not as simple as you might think. Mods often overwrite and

make changes to all kinds of files. When you uninstall or "un-check" a

mod from the active load, although the mod itself does not execute, the

changes its made still do. Even a single, poorly written mod can be

devastating to Skyrim's already unstable environment. The more and more

mods you load, particularly mods that were not careful scrutinized prior

to release may be bringing you closer and closer to the brink. Orphan

code or redundant code can really start to nudge your game into a

crashing or become a more unstable environment. This can cause random

crashes, game corruption or bloated save game files. Many mods break

vanilla quests by overwriting various aspects of them, or by removing

the ability for quest to be activated, triggered, or to be completed at

certain stages.


My point is that there is a good chance all that

there is a whole bunch of junk still lurking about in your save.

Particularly if you've ever run a mod with any new or edited scripts.

You can deactive the mod, you can delete the scripts, but if not

properly executed, the scripts will keep on keeping on. Waiting to

attack, when you least expect it. (There is a way to investigate this

also, and I will again direct you to my friend "Google" as the process

involves making changes to your .ini file - ALWAYS HAVE A BACKUP).

Essentially, YOU might forget about the mod the second it's deleted, but your SAVE remembers.



reliable mod of yesterday is not always reliable today. This is even

true for this mod, I'm certainly not trying to set myself apart. It's

been a long and bumpy road to get here, nonoodles can tell you I have

broken many a persons' game, many a time. With all the game updates and

availability more massive and immersive mods, getting everything to run

smoothly has really become more of an art than a science.


If I could bestow anything upon you, it would be the importance of making a clean, mod-free save.

Things (especially scripts) have a way of cementing into your save

games. When you start un-installing mods, you leave little seeds of

despair that grow up to be full blown pains in the backside.



fresh load, with saves along the way, will be a far cleaner environment

to set a good mod foundation on.A lot of problems stem from that

scripts, among lots of other junk, actually get saved INTO your saved

game files, and this stuff does not go away when they uninstall a mod, leading to very dirty saved game files that will frequently refuse to play nicely with the whole ton of mods you're using.


Edited by Demonik420
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  • 1 month later...

my skyrim.ini does not have anything about uGridsToLoad.


OK i found it. it was because it is in skyrimeditor.ini. There is one for dawngaurd too, but they are both already set to 5 and my CTD'S are insane... It doesn't matter what i do, i could be tryin to travel, or walking into a nother area od in a menu at the forge, even setting up a new character... I dont even want to play this without some mods I been enjoying, like CBBE, apache hair and dark lilith armor and you cannot convince me that those 3 things are not compatable.

Edited by HRRoach
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