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Issues with Dragonborn?


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Ever since I beat the main storyline in Dragonborn I have been unable to absorb dragon souls in Skyrim. I seem to be able to absorb them in Solstheim. Another bug that I can't find any solution for is my inability to buy a house in Solitude. I have done everything you need to in order to buy a house in Solitude. I even have "Buy a house in Solitude" in my misc
quests. However, every time I talk to Falk Firebeard, the dialogue choice to buy a house never comes up. Is there a console command that
can force him to bring up the dialogue option? I've even tried resetting his AI. As for mods, I have a few installed that enhance the graphics of the
game and I have all of the Unofficial patches installed. My game is up to date too.



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