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An idea to dramatically expand crafting categories...involves scriptin


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I have been working on reorganizing all of the recipes for the various mods I use into different categories. I created two new forge benches, one for weapons and one for armor. After changing the "bench keyword" for all the necessary recipes I have gotten it so that weapons show up on the weapons anvil, armor shows up on the armor anvil, and both show up on the vanilla anvil.


But, they all still use the same categories. No real way around that. But I have an idea. The label for each category is just a variable attached to that categories hard-coded keyword. It is possible to change that label in CK; lots of people do.


Can that variable be changed on the fly? Hypothetical: Let's say we are using the Crafting Tanning Table. I set it up so that recipes for leather armours, clothing, leather and strips and all the like show up only at this table. I sort those recipes amongst a few different categories; Materials, Clothing, Chest Pieces, Gloves, Hats & Helms, etc. If I relabel some categories so that those are the labels for the tanning table that would change the label for those categories at every other table as well.

HOWEVER, What if when the player used this table the script associated with crafting table would change the labels for all of the categories it would use to predetermined names. When the player exited the crafting table it could then change the labels back to their original values. The end result is that, at least as it appears to the player, each crafting table could have 28 unique categories.


I think this idea could work but for two problems; I am awful at scripting. And, I'm not sure if those keywords can be called from in-game script.


So, final question Can a papyrus script on a crafting table access and change the 'label' values associated with the categories keywords upon its activation?

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We have these but they require special maintenance because the changes wont stick between sessions.

; Obtains the value of a game setting - one for each type
float Function GetGameSettingFloat(string asGameSetting) native global
int Function GetGameSettingInt(string asGameSetting) native global
string Function GetGameSettingString(string asGameSetting) native global

; GameSetting functions - SKSE 1.5.10
Function SetGameSettingFloat(string setting, float value) global native
Function SetGameSettingInt(string setting, int value) global native
Function SetGameSettingBool(string setting, bool value) global native
Function SetGameSettingString(string setting, string value) global native


If the the UI really uses a GameSetting string then I guess you could change the names to whatever you wanted, whenever. I dont think you can add new game settings though.

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Hmmm, it looks like these might work for what I'm trying. I would be changing a string value on a few particular gamesettings. And the fact that changes aren't persistent between game sessions would be a good thing; I only want to change the string value for the period that the player is in that particular bench's crafting menu

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Driven by frustration; I have something like 50+ weapon or armour mods installed. Finding the thing you're looking for in the crafting menu becomes almost impossible at that point.


The Holy Grail of menu mods would be to figure out a way to have sub categories (i.e. Glass>Swords>(list of glass sword recipes)

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