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Far Cry

Where are all the fun mods?


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I miss the olden days of PC mods, where mods were less about realism and difficulty and more about what kind of ridiculous stuff could be done? Where are the mods for sniper rifles that shoot living (or dead) tiger projectiles? Where's the mod that increases your arrow capacity to 10000 and allows you to shoot them ultra fast? Where's the sister mod that allows you to fire the bow while the wingsuit is in action, allowing you to rain down those arrows like some sort of hell cupid? Where are the rocket launchers with exploding body part projectiles? Where's moon jump, or guns that just make people dance?

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  • 2 months later...

this game is NOT oblivion or fallout. which means that what modders can do in mods is much more limited.


as far as i can tell, many of the things you are asking about would not be possible as we can not create new models for this game.

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