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Uninstalling and doing it right, please give advice on order TYVM


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When I first starting modding Skyrim I had no clue about load order, dirty files, how taking mods on and off can hurt, and conflicting mods, as well as I have had to experience first hand some mods I just didn't like etc.


I would like to just take the time to do it right this time instead of piecemeal additions and subtractions as I did in the past.


I am familiar with using skse, nmm, and boss (I have Wrye Bash and TES5Edit but do not think I use them [Especially Wrye] properly or to their full potential)


I have the game on disk from a store, bought the Xpacs on steam (not hearthfire, seemed a waste, but DG and DB.) Is reinstalling the xpacs from steam arduous?




I would wager I uninstall, delete both skyrim folders (Libraries/Documents/MyGames/Skyrim and Programs/Steam/Steamapps/common/Skyrim) reboot, reinstall game, go to steam, reinstall xpacs and HD texture packs), then use NMM to install unofficial patches for them. Then install mods 1 at a time, testing them, and after I have 1 mod make sure to run BOSS in between each mod to ensure proper load order. Obviously following each mods directions specifically etc.


Is there anything I am missing? Please comment and I will give you digital hugs.




Edited by Fluffybunnyjin
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If this is going to be a sizable load order with a number of texture replacer type mods (that tend to overwrite files), I'd recommend using the Mod Organizer instead of the NMM to install your mods. Then you don't have to worry about installation order (which can be adjusted in MO like load order). Edited by ripple
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Hm....what SKSE complications? You do need to set up external utilities like BOSS and SKSE as executables in MO (which can be a pain at first), but other than that it works fine. You can install all the mods you want to use (although I'd recommend keeping the list small), arrange the order of whose files should 'overwrite' whom in MO, then run BOSS and start addressing the BOSS messages like cleaning, downloading fix patches when needed, dealing with unrecognize plugins, etc. Generating the compatibility patches (like the Bashed Patch) come last, after you've cleaned the plugins, etc. Edited by ripple
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Here's my lofty list. If you see anything that you know conflicts or shouldn't be there feel free to let me know:


Game, Xpacs, Unofficial Patches, hd texture packs and an ENB

Conveneient horses

no spinning death animation

the dance of death

clanking armors

duel wield parrying (maybe not if this is in SkyRe)

Dodge Mod (same, no if in Skyre, might be switching from Duel combat system to SkyRe)

Duel Combat (Or SkyRe)

Ultimate Follower Overhaul

Birds and Flocks

Lush Grass


Green water fix for water

Achieve that!

stones of barenziah quest markers

Predator vision

Skse Athletics (Maybe not if swapping to SkyRe, seriously debating it)

realistic ragdoll force


Better quest objectives

Enhanced lights and effects (does this clash with ENB's?)

Get Snowy

Player Head Tracking


apocolypse spell pack (not if doing SkyRe and incompatible)

unique region names

enhanced night skyrim

better males

no more blocky faces

skyrim flora overhaul

dimonized UNP female body

Weapon retexture project

deadly dragons

khajiit speak

into the depths (quest mod, havent tried it yet but have it)

better females by bella (iirc this is just faces and wont interfere with unp)

ethereal elven overhaul

sneak tools

a quality world map

categorized fav menu



time on loading screen

unread boosk glow

better dynamic snow

crimson tidefootprints

immersive weapons and armors (not sure, think these might be causing some of my issues)

Belua Sanguinare dynamic vampires od better vampires (leaning towards Better, have Belua now and theres some bad feeding animations)



Whew, hope telling you this isnt a complete waste fo your (or my) time.


Thanks kindly for reading.

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You can't avoid conflicts if using a mod list that size (it's not 'huge' but big enough that it would be considered a 'large load order'), but you can mitigate issues generated by conflicts by using BOSS to set your load order after you install the mods, and attempt to resolve them through compatibility patches (generated dynamically through Wrye Bash or manually through TE5Edit). Once you have your load order set up, you can post your BOSS log here (enclosed in spoiler tag), and we'll go over it to make sure nothing is amiss.

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