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Fahrenheit 9/11...


What is your opinion of Michael Moore's new Film?  

41 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your opinion of Michael Moore's new Film?

    • Loved it!
    • Hated it!
    • Made me sick.
    • Disgusting political slander.
    • Finally...somebody said something.
    • I want to move...far away.
    • Don't care.
    • Haven't seen it (in which case don't post until you have)

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The whole premise of the American government is that you can protest and not be punished!


But about the film:


I havn't seen it but I did see Bowling for Columbine and I have to say it was some of the most insightful documentoring(sp?) I have ever seen so I am assuming this one is good too.


I am conservative, own lots of guns, and like Bush and I still like it. Thats how good Mike Moore is at making films.

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Well first off liek any other president almsot half the people will like that president and the other half will hate him. So argueing about it is useless. People alreayd made up their minds and not many will change them.


Now about the movie. There were many lies in this movie that aren;t true and h scewed the point too much. He moaned about President Bush waiting to do anything until he was done where he was at. Well I ask you this what would you like the president of the country to do in front of some grade schoolers? Panic? Rush out so they all know somethign is wrong and then panic? Please if it was clinton in office Moore wouldn't have even made this movie the way he did.


Also the scene with the him asking peopel of congress if they would send their child to Iraq and one of them actually said his son was in Iraq but micheal cut that out and then only took the beginning part of his interview where the guy made a funyn face. Whoops Moore you didn't like the fact that these people actually did have children in Iraq? Wasn't good for your movie was it?


All it is, is propganade crap. And the republicans will all hate it and the democrats will all love it and 20% in the middle will not even give a damn.

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UberBender: Nice screenname/avatar btw. Bolwing for columbine wasn't really even about all the guns we have but rather it was about the state of fear that americans are living under and his conclusion was that we are more violent not because of guns but because we are constantly in a state of fear of something. I think that's why it's a popular film on both sides of the political fence. It's got less to do with politics and more to do with how we as a society in this country handle ourselves.


Also, I agree with the above statement that Moore was wrong with his nitpicking about bush's reaction to the news of the attacks when he was in the school. He wasn't just waitning for Rove to tell him what to do, he was trying not to start a panic, I believe that much at least. However, that doesn't change the fact that he did a lot of stupid things before and after that incident.


I remember hearing something on the Daily show a long time ago that I thought was really funny and observant. It was something like:

"On september 10th George Bush was the least popular president we have had in a long time, after september 11th George Bush is suddenly a leader... and no one is more surpised by this than George Bush."

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A little off topic but:


I understood what Bowling for Columbine is about (fear) but why did they market it as an Anti-Gun thing?


And Mike Moore is a good film maker, he is jsut bad with some of the details.


I love the part in BfC when he goes around an opens people's doors in Canada and he asks them "Why don't you lock your doors?" and they just stare at him like he asked them to give him a sex change operation or something.

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The one thing I really don't liek about Moore is his aggresive towards people that have money, guns, and power... He is always making them look bad... He does cheap tricks like taking different parts of a interview and pasting them in a certain way to prove his point or make the person he is talking to look stupid(which basically makes it a lie).


In BfC he got very aggresive with one actor (i think?) that the guy got up and wanted to leave but Moore just wouldn't let him go. Moore just thinks he is better than everyone else and enjoys make fools of people on film... He isn't making movies to get the truth out, he is making movies to make money. Any lie or slander he puts in the movie is just stuff to get more people to watch the movie so he makes more money.


He is just a money hungry fool... Maybe if we heard about Moore giving the extra money he makes from the movie to people in need -that would be different- but he keeps all the money to himself.

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The one thing I really don't liek about Moore is his aggresive towards people that have money, guns, and power... He is always making them look bad... He does cheap tricks like taking different parts of a interview and pasting them in a certain way to prove his point or make the person he is talking to look stupid(which basically makes it a lie).

Now that you put it that way it makes me change my mind on Mike Moore! I agree with that! The actor was Charles Heston, president of the NRA.



It's like that one episode of the Simpsons where everyone thinks Homer grabed the butt of the babysitter. They do an interview with him and then change it all around to make it seem like Homer is a sex crazed idiot.


That's what Mike does.

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I think that it is just the other way round: Michael Moore has to be aggressive, because the people wouldn't listen to the truth otherwise. Would anyone watch his films when they were absolutely true but just dull documentary films? No, nobody would. So, in order to reach everyone, he has to be a little aggressive, provocative. Maybe not everything is correct what he says (erare humanum est), but still the underlying truth he is talking about is still the truth and that is the important thing: the people begin to talk, to discuss, to think and to criticise and this is more than necessary.


I think, we need a second Karl Marx, one who questions our way of life, but with logic and good arguments.


Now, go to the next library or book store and buy yourself a copy of "Das Kapital" by Karl Marx! This is an order! :D

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I am nto saying wether or not his poitns are correct but by twisting what people say into things they didn;t is what really turned me off. Im sorry but to do that IMO is outright slander. If you are going to interview someone don't edit it so what they are saying is completely different from what was said. I would find that highly offensive and insulting.
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Moore does have a habbit of setting people up so that they look like idiots. However, there are two things I can say about it. 1) when he does this it's usually because he's trying to make a rethorical point and is being very tounge-in-cheek about it (asking polititians to send their kids to iraq). 2) In Fahrenheit 9-11 he didn't do this very much at all. In fact, the only place he does it is in the previously mentioned case.


I don't like this about Moore either to be honest, I thought that in BfC he was really an ass to Heston. Sure, he had a point, but it was just rediculous the way he went about humilating Mr. Heston.

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