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Mistakingly added Hearthfire as master..unable to remove it


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I'm having a big problem with a mod that I spent a lot of time to make, I mistakingly added Hearthfire as a master to the file even though I didn't use any of it's assets for anything, so of course It can't be used by someone without Hearthfire.


and didn't make a recent backup and didn't care much cause I thought I can easily remove the master later.


So I thought..easy, fire up tes5edit and remove HF from the master list then re-open in the CK. unfortunately, doing this seems to seriously mess up the entire plugin. everything I added or edited gets DUPLICATED when opening it in CK. even the game world itself.


Is there a safe way to get rid of HF without messing up the file? anyway in the CK?

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Use tes5edit to remove an unwanted master. Easy to do and will take a couple minutes at most, read the guides linked in the description to clean the mod first.





Oh and the problem sounds to me like you are duplicating all the entries with tes5edit. you can use Wrye Bash to change the hearthfire master to an empty esm file and upload it alongside your mod.


Curious on what you are doing to remove the master though because I have done that a few times and didnt have any problems and this is what I do:

1. Open Tes5edit.

2. Double click the mod in the list that pops up to open it without all the rest of the mods in the load order.

3. Expand the mods tree and click on the "File Header" entry.

4. Right click the "Master File" line in the right hand window thats above and in the same column as the name of the master you want to remove.

5. Select "Remove" and OK the warning.

6. Exit Tes5edit and save the plugin with a backup in the process of exiting.

7. Test in CK to see if it loads the unwanted master.


If above worked then back to tes5edit to clean and check for errors.

Edited by jet4571
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