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Solstheim crashes my computer.


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So I beat the Dragonborn campaign and went back to Skyrim for some more adventuring; however, I left most of my stuff, including crafting materials, soul gems, unique equipment, etc. in the free house I got. Now, when I go to Solstheim either via fast travel or boat, I get this horrible static noise and huge FPS loss. Attempting do anything, whether it's talk to an NPC, entering a building, waiting, or trying to return to Skyrim either gives me a CTD or locks up not just Skyrim, but my whole PC. I need to hard reset.

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try turn on papyrus script logging and tracing in skyrim.ini like this:


play a while and then you'll find in %userprofile%\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Logs\Script trace log and script log.. if you look inside you should find what is going on with your game before CTD and what is causing these troubles ;))

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I have my log files. What exactly am I looking at? I have a file called Payrus.0 in the Script folder of my logs.

by time search CTD (if you encountered some while logging was turned on) and what were the last errors before the CTD... in general is this log file list of all problems with your mods and game (the scripted part of it).. there you can find what files are your mods missing, bloating etc. ... best is to concentrate on most repeating errors..


the log file you have is only the one half... I have to check where the trace.log is stored by default (I didn't perform this troubleshooting since Skyrim patch 1.6 and now it is a bit different)..

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I wasn't able to find the other log that should be produced by turning "bEnableTrace=1" on... It seems that from Skyrim version 1.8 is this option not included as a troubleshoothing tool... but anyway if the problem is buried somewhere inside of your savegame, then this clever app should help you ;)



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